4c Control Legacy Archive decks

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Deck Name





4-Color Leovold Koji Takeishi Grand Prix Kyoto 2018 - Team Trios 25/03/2018 2 of 2262
Four-Color Control Daniel Duan SCG Classic - Cincinnati, OH 25/03/2018 1 of 157
4c Control Greg Mason Channel Fireball Legacy 4k 25/03/2018 2 of 126
Czech Pile Oliver Oey Win a Dual Open 27 25/03/2018 4 of 48
4c Control Davide Vergoni Underdog Legacy League 2018 #3 - LU 2018 #3 25/03/2018 3 of 24
4C Control Roberto Di Tucci Lega Sud Pontino #2 25/03/2018 3 of 9
4C Control VedX MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 24/03/2018 6
4c Control romariovidal MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 24/03/2018 39
4c Control Hasegawa Youhei Legacy @ Hareruya (Japan) 24/03/2018 3 of 36
4C Control Stefano Pirani H-Demia Penta 2018 #6 22/03/2018 3 of 19
4C Control Luca Fiorini H-Demia Penta 2018 #6 22/03/2018 5 of 19
4c Control Clashed MTGO Legacy Challenge 19/03/2018 7 of 85
4c Control egadd2894 MTGO Legacy Challenge 19/03/2018 8 of 85
4C Control Scabs MTGO Legacy Challenge 19/03/2018 16 of 85
4c Control Kikurek MTGO Legacy Challenge 19/03/2018 21 of 85
4c Control Nicolas Crepelle MKM Series Rome 2018 - Legacy Main Event 18/03/2018 1 of 111
4c Control ReneRandrup MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 17/03/2018 13
4c Control Sean Griffith Titan Team Trios - Legacy 17/03/2018 5 of 24
4C Control Tsukanishi Toshiyuki 91th KMC in Japan 17/03/2018 6 of 95
4C Control Ermanno Aris Faeti Night Magic - Tappa #12 13/03/2018 4 of 13
4c Control Scuta04 MTGO Legacy Challenge 12/03/2018 3 of 62
4c Control Clashed MTGO Legacy Challenge 12/03/2018 5 of 62
4c Control Greenman11 MTGO Legacy Challenge 12/03/2018 20 of 62
4C Control Andrea Deodato Lega Legacy Siciliana 6 Tappa #8 12/03/2018 3 of 16
Four-Color Thomas Enevoldsen Grand Prix Madrid 2018 - Team Trios - Legacy 11/03/2018 2 of 1062
4c Control Wesley Higbee Geek Fortress Legacy 1k 11/03/2018 2 of 41
Grixis Control Love Larsson Legacy Event @ Stockholm (Sweden) 11/03/2018 2 of 34
Four-Color Thomas Enevoldsen Grand Prix Madrid 2018 - Team Trios - Undefeated Day 1 - Legacy 10/03/2018 2 of 1062
4c Control Clashed MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 10/03/2018 28
4c control Michele Gasparini MKM Trial Legacy Roma - Sfinge Arcana (Doppio Gioco) 10/03/2018 1 of 8

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Most played cards in 4c Control:

993 Decks
3964 copies - 3.99 average
Polluted Delta
3880 copies - 3.91 average
Force of Will
3872 copies - 3.9 average
3555 copies - 3.58 average
Baleful Strix
3239 copies - 3.26 average
Deathrite Shaman
3216 copies - 3.24 average
Snapcaster Mage
3049 copies - 3.07 average
Underground Sea
2806 copies - 2.83 average
Scalding Tarn
2762 copies - 2.78 average
Kolaghan's Command
1990 copies - 2 average
Hymn to Tourach
1942 copies - 1.96 average
Jace, the Mind Sculptor
1931 copies - 1.94 average
Surgical Extraction
1867 copies - 1.88 average
Fatal Push
1832 copies - 1.84 average
Leovold, Emissary of Trest
1677 copies - 1.69 average
Volcanic Island
1664 copies - 1.68 average
Diabolic Edict
1642 copies - 1.65 average
1640 copies - 1.65 average
1629 copies - 1.64 average
1580 copies - 1.59 average