Ad Nauseam Tendrils Legacy Archive decks First Prev Page 25 of 74 Next Last # Deck Name Player Event Date Position Storm Robert Swiecki MKM Series Prague 2017 - Legacy Grand Trial 28/07/2017 1 of 88 Ad Nauseam Tendrils Surfinbird19 MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 26/07/2017 1 Ad Nauseam Tendrils Surfinbird19 MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 25/07/2017 4 Ad Nauseam Tendrils Surfinbird19 MTGO Legacy Challenge 24/07/2017 19 of 65 Storm Tyler Hatchel SCG Classic - Atlanta, GA 23/07/2017 5 of 141 Storm Caleb Scherer SCG Classic - Atlanta, GA 23/07/2017 6 of 141 Storm Gabriel Meier Legacy Gameplace 23/07/2017 8 of 39 Storm Matsui Ryosuke Grand Prix Kyoto 2017 - Side Event 23/07/2017 4 of 209 Ad Nauseam Tendrils Control4Daze MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 22/07/2017 1 Storm James Higginbottom Team Constructed Open - Atlanta, GA 22/07/2017 11 of 804 Ant (the StorminĀ“ Mormon) Gordon Fjeldsted Paragon City Games Legacy Classic 22/07/2017 1 of 14 Ad Nauseam Tendrils 42AD MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 20/07/2017 3 Ad Nauseam Tendrils mousethatjumps MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 18/07/2017 2 Ad Nauseam Tendrils Geir Magne Flyum Legacy at Escape, Oslo - July 2017 16/07/2017 2 of 23 Ad Nauseam Tendrils Morishima Ryota 81th KMC in Japan 16/07/2017 2 of 72 Ad Nauseam Tendrils Banba Taiki 81th KMC in Japan 16/07/2017 4 of 72 Ad Nauseam Tendrils Surfinbird19 MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 12/07/2017 5 Ad Nauseam Tendrils Surfinbird19 MTGO Legacy Challenge 10/07/2017 11 of 81 Ad Nauseam Tendrils Yamaro MTGO Legacy Challenge 10/07/2017 15 of 81 Ad Nauseam Tendrils MangoPunch MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 09/07/2017 9 Ant Storm Luka Slavec Kartologi & MKM Series Trial Prague 09/07/2017 2 of 12 Ad Nauseam Tendrils goyo315 MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 07/07/2017 5 Ad Nauseam Tendrils junceda13 MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 05/07/2017 6 Ad Nauseam Tendrils monkeyscantcry MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 04/07/2017 1 Ad Nauseam Tendrils 42AD MTGO Legacy Challenge 03/07/2017 10 of 69 Ad Nauseam Tendrils MangoPunch MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 02/07/2017 7 Ant Josh Corless Summer Challenge 02/07/2017 5 of 35 Ad Nauseam Tendrils Chi Zuo 2017 China Guangzhou Invitational 02/07/2017 8 of 51 Ad Nauseam Tendrils lordofthepit23 MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 01/07/2017 9 Ad Nauseam Tendrils mousethatjumps MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 29/06/2017 2 First Prev Page 25 of 74 Next Last
Most played cards in Ad Nauseam Tendrils: 2216 Decks Dark Ritual 8776 copies - 3.96 average Brainstorm 8769 copies - 3.96 average Lion's Eye Diamond 8750 copies - 3.95 average Lotus Petal 8732 copies - 3.94 average Infernal Tutor 8680 copies - 3.92 average Polluted Delta 8487 copies - 3.83 average Ponder 8432 copies - 3.81 average Cabal Ritual 8369 copies - 3.78 average Duress 7169 copies - 3.24 average Gitaxian Probe 6298 copies - 2.84 average Cabal Therapy 5428 copies - 2.45 average Preordain 4664 copies - 2.1 average Underground Sea 4464 copies - 2.01 average Abrupt Decay 4102 copies - 1.85 average Misty Rainforest 3683 copies - 1.66 average Chain of Vapor 3210 copies - 1.45 average Tendrils of Agony 3069 copies - 1.38 average Past in Flames 2755 copies - 1.24 average Thoughtseize 2393 copies - 1.08 average Ad Nauseam 2386 copies - 1.08 average