BUG Control Legacy Archive decks

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Deck Name





Shardless BUG Justin Uppal StarCityGames.com Legacy Open - St. Louis, MO 09/06/2013 13 of 280
Shardless BUG Nicola Zansavio Verona - Evil#10 09/06/2013 4 of 34
Shardless BUG Alessio Bergamaschi Verona - Evil#10 09/06/2013 5 of 34
Ruthless BUG Junie De Leon Cerberus Township Rebellion 09/06/2013 1 of 80
Axe Gang BUG Jason Baes Cerberus Township Rebellion 09/06/2013 3 of 80
Spiral BUG Perry Uson Cerberus Township Rebellion 09/06/2013 4 of 80
BUG Control Luca Lovino MLL#12-Milano (MI) 09/06/2013 1 of 74
BUG Jordi Bardulet Final Top8 Power 16 Lles10 08/06/2013 1 of 16
Shardless BUG Frank Skarren StarCityGames.com Legacy Open - Baltimore 02/06/2013 3 of 298
Shardless BUG Ryan McKinney StarCityGames.com Legacy Open - Baltimore 02/06/2013 15 of 298
Bug Cascade Natali Andrea Savona - LwL #6 02/06/2013 5 of 27
Bug Fiore Roberto Savona - LwL #6 02/06/2013 7 of 27
Baleful Joseph Enrico Vair Savona - LwL #6 02/06/2013 8 of 27
Agent BUG Dolazza Marco Olympus#4 - Raffa di Puegnago (BS) 02/06/2013 2 of 39
GTA- Thinxoxico Javier Camuesco 5º LML 2013 02/06/2013 1 of 49
BUG Control Johannes Heibach MKM Tournament 01/06/2013 3 of 64
Shardless BUG Massimiliano Gernone B-Geek Legacy League #7 - Bari, Italy 26/05/2013 1 of 18
BUG Control Stefan Gustavsson Poromagia WPN Premium Tournament 26/05/2013 3 of 89
BUG Cascade Marco Fermani FPSLL#8 - Senigallia 26/05/2013 1 of 35
BUG Cascade Demaio Giovanni FPSLL#8 - Senigallia 26/05/2013 7 of 35
DrUG Control André Brunet Cittadella Aosta Tappa 7 24/05/2013 1 of 21
BUG Agent Borja Ceberio 4º Torneo Liga Legacy Gipuzkoa 2013 19/05/2013 7 of 32
BUG Control Davide Bortolai GBLL#9 - Bologna 19/05/2013 1 of 44
Shardless BUG Justin Uppal StarCityGames.com Legacy Open - Nashville 19/05/2013 4 of 201
BUG Shardless Alessio Bergamaschi Evil#9 - Forette di Vigasio(VR) 19/05/2013 4 of 46
BUG Agent Ravazzolo Andrea KING 9 - Roma 19/05/2013 5 of 45
Agent BUG Eric Gustafson SCG Invitational Qualifier - Columbus, OH 19/05/2013 7 of 22
Knoche?s Cascade BUG Fabian Knoche Magickeller Hannover 2013 #5 18/05/2013 4 of 53
BUG Control Alejandro López De Los Reyes 5º Torneo Liga Hispalense de Legacy 3 18/05/2013 5 of 16
BUG Cascade Borja Ceberio IV Torneo Liga Legacy Topdeck Pamplona 18/05/2013 8 of 21

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Most played cards in BUG Control :

830 Decks
Deathrite Shaman
28 copies - 0.03 average
28 copies - 0.03 average
Force of Will
26 copies - 0.03 average
Abrupt Decay
24 copies - 0.03 average
Verdant Catacombs
24 copies - 0.03 average
Underground Sea
24 copies - 0.03 average
Polluted Delta
23 copies - 0.03 average
20 copies - 0.02 average
18 copies - 0.02 average
Misty Rainforest
18 copies - 0.02 average
17 copies - 0.02 average
Jace, the Mind Sculptor
15 copies - 0.02 average
Tropical Island
15 copies - 0.02 average
Hymn to Tourach
14 copies - 0.02 average
Baleful Strix
14 copies - 0.02 average
Shardless Agent
12 copies - 0.01 average
11 copies - 0.01 average
Ancestral Vision
11 copies - 0.01 average
11 copies - 0.01 average
Snapcaster Mage
9 copies - 0.01 average