BUG Shardless Legacy Archive decks

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Deck Name





BUG Shardless Kepa Arrieta Liga Legacy Gipuzkoa Octubre 2016 23/10/2016 6 of 24
Shardless Sultai David Velasco SCG Classic - Milwaukee, WI 23/10/2016 11 of 126
BUG Control Luca Lovino MLL 2#2017 23/10/2016 3 of 57
BUG Control Andrea Guasti MLL 2#2017 23/10/2016 6 of 57
Shardless BUG Van Der Geest, Leo Leiden Legacy League - Round#1 19/10/2016 6 of 8
Shardles BUG Tobias Bille Monthly Bottrop Legacy October 16/10/2016 3 of 31
Shardless Sultai Antonio Gallardo Azor La Biblioteca Zurana - CarroVedor mensual 15/10/2016 2 of 20
BUG Degli Espositi Alberto Lega WL 2.0 #1 09/10/2016 6 of 25
BUG Control Maximo Manara Roè Volciano - Olympus #8 09/10/2016 7 of 51
Shardless BUG Marc Bertolín LCL 2016 #10 - Martorell 08/10/2016 7 of 41
Shardless Sultai Bryan Rockenbach SCG Invitational Qualifier - Phoenix, AZ 08/10/2016 7
Z.B. Sharless BUG Stefano Vicentini Bondeno - FML #1 - Fate entrare i Vice 02/10/2016 3 of 27
Shardless BUG Timur Bose Ovino XI - Legacy main event 24/09/2016 5 of 216
Shardless Sultai Jeremy Sunseri SCG Invitational Qualifier - Baton Rouge, LA 18/09/2016 7
Shardless Sultai Jessie Butler SCG Invitational Qualifier - Dalton, GA 18/09/2016 1
Shardless Sultai Duncan Campbell SCG Invitational Qualifier - Roanoke, VA 18/09/2016 2
Shardless Sultai Derrik Smith SCG Invitational Qualifier - Knoxville, TN 18/09/2016 2
Shardless BUG Tobias Bille Monthly Legacy Bottrop September 11/09/2016 6 of 23
BUG Control Georg Zimmer 10.09.16 Weekly Legacy - Ollis Spielecenter Hamburg 10/09/2016 1 of 13
Shardless BUG Bergerot Nicolas BoM Paris 2016 10/09/2016 4 of 195
Shardless BUG Felipe Wannmacher LegacyRS - Step 09/12 - [NerdZ Store] Porto Alegre|RS|Brazil 28/08/2016 4 of 26
BUG Cascade Antonio Lorenzo Gutierrez La Bilbioteca Zurana - CarroVendor mensual 27/08/2016 4 of 18
Shardless Sultai Mark Hollaar SCG Invitational Qualifier - Springfield, VA 27/08/2016 4
BUG Shardless Rafa Granero 5ª mini-liga Ronda Zero 2016 25/08/2016 7
Shardless BUG Yida Guo New Zealand Eternal Weekend - Legacy Open 21/08/2016 7 of 34
BUG Shardless Kepa Arrieta Liga Legacy Gipuzkoa Agosto 2016 14/08/2016 6 of 25
BUG Shardless Asier Cenoz Liga Legacy Gipuzkoa Agosto 2016 14/08/2016 7 of 25
Shardless Sultai Stephen Snelson SCG Classic - Syracuse, NY 14/08/2016 9 of 122
Shardless Sultai Derrik Smith SCG Invitational Qualifier - Bristol, TN 14/08/2016 5
Shardless BUG Henry Dixon DragonFalls Legacy 2016 07/08/2016 7 of 60

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Most played cards in BUG Shardless:

538 Decks
Deathrite Shaman
2146 copies - 3.99 average
2141 copies - 3.98 average
Shardless Agent
2138 copies - 3.97 average
Abrupt Decay
2116 copies - 3.93 average
Force of Will
2111 copies - 3.92 average
2093 copies - 3.89 average
Verdant Catacombs
2026 copies - 3.77 average
Ancestral Vision
1863 copies - 3.46 average
Polluted Delta
1842 copies - 3.42 average
Underground Sea
1680 copies - 3.12 average
1477 copies - 2.75 average
Hymn to Tourach
1360 copies - 2.53 average
1315 copies - 2.44 average
Baleful Strix
1147 copies - 2.13 average
Liliana of the Veil
1116 copies - 2.07 average
Misty Rainforest
987 copies - 1.83 average
982 copies - 1.83 average
Tropical Island
886 copies - 1.65 average
Toxic Deluge
796 copies - 1.48 average
Jace, the Mind Sculptor
744 copies - 1.38 average