Blade Control Legacy Archive decks

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Deck Name





Blade Control Tom Martell Grand Prix - Indianapolis 11/03/2012 1 of 1214
Blade Control Adam Yurchick Grand Prix - Indianapolis 11/03/2012 8 of 1214
Stoneblade Antonio Navas 6º LJL 11/03/2012 7 of 26
Blade Control Juanjo Valero Mi Tesoro 10/03/2012 1 of 36
UW Stone-Blade Matthew Larivee Legacy Bronze TCQ - Indianapolis, IN 10/03/2012 3
Blade Control Tom Martell GP Indianapolis - Undefeated Decklist 10/03/2012 1 of 1214
Blade Control Steve Rubin GP Indianapolis - Undefeated Decklist 10/03/2012 4 of 1214
Blade Control Bernard Wen GP Indianapolis - Undefeated Decklist 10/03/2012 5 of 1214
Counter Pro Bant sin Counter ni Pro José Julián Quintanilla LAL4 #1 10/03/2012 4 of 17
Blade Control Casiraghi Luca Arcore (MB) - WaitingXPrimaveraLegacyCup Report 10/03/2012 2 of 8
Blade Control Matteo Lang D-Day V 10/03/2012 4 of 227
Blade Control Antonio Pinto D-Day V 10/03/2012 5 of 227
Blade Control Jeremy Dombek Lincoln, RI - DHG Buncha Duals Tourney 10/03/2012 1 of 85
Blade Control Andrew Maag Lincoln, RI - DHG Buncha Duals Tourney 10/03/2012 4 of 85
Stoneblade HomieK Magic-League Legacy Trial 07/03/2012 07/03/2012 4 of 34
U/W Stoneblade Michael Caffrey Legacy Open - Tampa 04/03/2012 3 of 141
U/W Stoneblade Xin Sui Legacy Open - Tampa 04/03/2012 7 of 141
U/W Stoneblade Jeremy Kelley Legacy Open - Tampa 04/03/2012 9 of 141
Blade Control Ferrantini, Alessandro MAGIChianti#7 - Certaldo 04/03/2012 2 of 29
Stoneforge of Secrets v2.0 Balocco Andrea Savona - LwL #6 04/03/2012 2 of 23
BitterStone Negro Alessio Savona - LwL #6 04/03/2012 5 of 23
UW geist Fragale Matteo Savona - LwL #6 04/03/2012 7 of 23
Stone Faerie Manoa Itchner Open CDF-Legacy Toulouse 04/03/2012 4 of 49
StoneBlade UW Vladimir Arneuve Open CDF-Legacy Toulouse 04/03/2012 6 of 49
R/W/U Delver Joshua Cicio SCG Invitational Qualifier - Waterford, Connecticut 04/03/2012 8
Blade Control Mauri Stefano Arcore (MB) #20 03/03/2012 5 of 17
U/W Countertop Etienne Laterreur Canadian Magic Tour: Quebec City 03/03/2012 2 of 85
Uw Stoneblade Hugo Bianor Legacy Qualifier - Rio das Ostras BR 03/03/2012 2 of 37
UW Stoneblade Tird_Ape Magic-League Legacy Trial 29/02/2012 29/02/2012 4 of 26
U/W Stoneforge Justin Geary Legacy Open - Memphis 26/02/2012 8 of 94

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Most played cards in Blade Control:

2319 Decks
9191 copies - 3.96 average
Swords to Plowshares
9117 copies - 3.93 average
Force of Will
9009 copies - 3.88 average
Stoneforge Mystic
8927 copies - 3.85 average
Flooded Strand
8876 copies - 3.83 average
6737 copies - 2.91 average
Snapcaster Mage
5861 copies - 2.53 average
Jace, the Mind Sculptor
5602 copies - 2.42 average
Polluted Delta
4572 copies - 1.97 average
Spell Pierce
4125 copies - 1.78 average
3795 copies - 1.64 average
Surgical Extraction
3410 copies - 1.47 average
Vendilion Clique
3365 copies - 1.45 average
2711 copies - 1.17 average
True-Name Nemesis
2694 copies - 1.16 average
Scalding Tarn
2624 copies - 1.13 average
2551 copies - 1.1 average
2495 copies - 1.08 average
Underground Sea
2474 copies - 1.07 average
2395 copies - 1.03 average