Bug Control Legacy Archive decks First Prev Page 28 of 28 # Deck Name Player Event Date Position BUG Control Jordi Bardulet 1r torneig 1ª Lliga Pirinenca Legacy 25/02/2012 1 of 45 BUG Control Cammilluzzi Marco BBC #11 19/02/2012 4 of 51 BUG Control Cammilluzzi Marco KING#6 - Roma 12/02/2012 3 of 29 BUG Midrange Ciccarelli Stefano Lega Estense #9 11/02/2012 1 of 12 BUG Control Remko Aubert Big New Year @Outpost Brussels 22/01/2012 3 BUG Control Mikel de San Roman Legacy Topdeck 21/01/2012 3 of 31 Where is the Reliquary? Jose Salvador Requena Perez Liga Sureste de Legacy - 6º torneo 15/01/2012 5 of 30 BUG Control Ignasi Villagrasa 1º Torneo Lliga Catalana Legacy 2012 14/01/2012 5 of 119 Team .../BUG André Luff Hanau (Frankfurt, GER) - Win a Lotus 07/01/2012 7 of 247 BUG Control Cammilluzzi Marco KING#4 - Roma 18/12/2011 5 of 49 BUG Control VDM Dani Castillo ALL 2x03 - Andurin Liga de Legacy 18/12/2011 2 of 27 Team Canavese Scibilia Enrico Torino - BCLL #4 18/12/2011 6 of 27 BUG Control Marco Cammilluzzi BBC #8 11/12/2011 1 of 50 BUG Pablo David Diaz LML 2011 - Invitacional 10/12/2011 2 of 25 Bug Control Ferrantini, Alessandro VI° MAGIChianti 13/11/2011 3 of 18 BUG Control Óscar Martín InGeniacy 5/11/11 05/11/2011 5 of 45 Team Portugal Felisati Elia PCLL1 - Piacenza 30/10/2011 5 of 68 Team Suiza Pablo Marcos XI Torneo Online Factoría de Mishra 26/10/2011 5 of 22 BUG Control Omar Rohner Grand Prix - Amsterdam 23/10/2011 26 of 1878 Baseruption UBG Andrea Galavotti Bondeno Games 19/12/2010 16 of 83 First Prev Page 28 of 28
Most played cards in Bug Control: 830 Decks Brainstorm 3268 copies - 3.94 average Force of Will 3075 copies - 3.7 average Deathrite Shaman 2789 copies - 3.36 average Underground Sea 2776 copies - 3.34 average Polluted Delta 2729 copies - 3.29 average Abrupt Decay 2696 copies - 3.25 average Wasteland 2378 copies - 2.87 average Tarmogoyf 2356 copies - 2.84 average Verdant Catacombs 2317 copies - 2.79 average Misty Rainforest 2249 copies - 2.71 average Thoughtseize 2059 copies - 2.48 average Jace, the Mind Sculptor 1908 copies - 2.3 average Hymn to Tourach 1677 copies - 2.02 average Tropical Island 1647 copies - 1.98 average Shardless Agent 1529 copies - 1.84 average Liliana of the Veil 1518 copies - 1.83 average Baleful Strix 1462 copies - 1.76 average Ancestral Vision 1451 copies - 1.75 average Bayou 1404 copies - 1.69 average Surgical Extraction 842 copies - 1.01 average