Death And Taxes Legacy decks First Prev Page 5 of 17 Next Last # Deck Name Player Event Date Position Death and Taxes Alfonso Zarzoso Ronda Zero - Noviembre 2021 24/10/2021 5 of 24 Death and Taxes yoshiwata MTGO Legacy Preliminary 23/10/2021 3 Death and Taxes Doi Satsuki 134th KMC in Japan 10/10/2021 2 of 84 Non è più forte con 20 carte in più? Luca Giglio PGG 21-22 - Tappa #1 - Uro, Titan of Green Pass 03/10/2021 8 of 26 Yorion & Taxes Alfonso Zarzoso Ronda Zero - Octubre 2021 26/09/2021 8 of 40 Tatatataxes Pablo Melo Liga Chilena de Legacy N°27 11/09/2021 6 of 23 Death and Taxes Gabriele Zaccarini Il Torneo Medio Legacy 04/09/2021 3 of 40 Death and Taxes yoshiwata MTGO Legacy Preliminary 04/09/2021 3 Death and Taxes medvedev MTGO Legacy Preliminary 03/09/2021 3 In finale ho mescolato il mazzo all´oppo Paolo Buschi 4Seasons Summer 2021 Main Event 29/08/2021 1 of 186 Death and Taxes Erik Morgante 4Seasons Summer 2021 Main Event 29/08/2021 8 of 186 Death and Taxes Giacomo Simonin 4Seasons Summer 2021 Main Event 29/08/2021 13 of 186 Death and Taxes xJCloud MTGO Legacy Preliminary 21/08/2021 2 Death and Taxes YawgmothPT MTGO Legacy Preliminary 20/08/2021 3 Death and Taxes bozo2112 MTGO Legacy Preliminary 04/08/2021 5 Death and Taxes djseb MTGO Legacy Challenge 01/08/2021 6 Death and Taxes gfernandes MTGO Legacy Challenge 01/08/2021 15 Death and Taxes mei0024 MTGO Legacy Challenge 01/08/2021 18 Death and Taxes EronRelentless MTGO Legacy Challenge 01/08/2021 23 Death and Taxes xJCloud MTGO Legacy Challenge 26/07/2021 1 Death and Taxes Andrea Ranocchia Star of legacy 18/07/2021 1 of 10 Death and Taxes Jacopo Chianella Star of legacy 18/07/2021 2 of 10 Death and Taxes Vincenzo Cusenza Sabato Lair 2021 01 17/07/2021 1 of 10 Death and Taxes IsolatedSystem MTGO Legacy Challenge 12/07/2021 8 Death and Taxes Disgruntled_Elk MTGO Legacy Challenge 12/07/2021 24 Yorion DnT Alexander Landgraf 2. Löffel-Cup, Rosenheim 11/07/2021 1 of 14 Death and Taxes Thilo Schramm Weekly Legacy @ BB-Spiele 06/07/2021 2 of 12 Death and Taxes gottelicious MTGO Legacy Challenge 05/07/2021 12 Death and Taxes IsolatedSystem MTGO Legacy Challenge 05/07/2021 16 Death and Taxes Disgruntled_Elk MTGO Legacy Challenge 05/07/2021 26 First Prev Page 5 of 17 Next Last
Most played cards in Death And Taxes: 491 Decks Swords to Plowshares 1931 copies - 3.93 average Wasteland 1931 copies - 3.93 average Thalia, Guardian of Thraben 1919 copies - 3.91 average Aether Vial 1873 copies - 3.81 average Stoneforge Mystic 1851 copies - 3.77 average Mother of Runes 1808 copies - 3.68 average Rishadan Port 1795 copies - 3.66 average Flickerwisp 1696 copies - 3.45 average Karakas 1561 copies - 3.18 average Snow-Covered Plains 1383 copies - 2.82 average Recruiter of the Guard 1203 copies - 2.45 average Skyclave Apparition 858 copies - 1.75 average Rest in Peace 822 copies - 1.67 average Deafening Silence 774 copies - 1.58 average Phyrexian Revoker 726 copies - 1.48 average Council's Judgment 702 copies - 1.43 average Spirit of the Labyrinth 680 copies - 1.38 average Surgical Extraction 658 copies - 1.34 average Path to Exile 610 copies - 1.24 average Sanctum Prelate 600 copies - 1.22 average