Death and Taxes Legacy Archive decks First Prev Page 11 of 75 Next Last # Deck Name Player Event Date Position Death and Taxes Tyler Hopkins SCG Classic - Las Vegas, NV 18/11/2018 13 of 71 Death And Taxes Michael Van Horenbeeck Belgian Legacy Cup Trial 6 @ Outpost Brussels 18/11/2018 5 of 27 Death And Taxes Gero Seipel JK Series Autumn Legacy @ Frankfurt am Main 18/11/2018 2 of 30 Death And Taxes Philippe Bouillardt JK Series Autumn Legacy @ Frankfurt am Main 18/11/2018 7 of 30 Death & Taxes Niccolò Casnici Pig League 1 Tappa #3 18/11/2018 3 of 11 Death and Taxes shotarrow MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 17/11/2018 18 Death and Taxes Francisco Rodríguez LCL November 2018 17/11/2018 2 of 48 Taxes Gregorio Lazarenko Sabato Legacy Torino #3 17/11/2018 1 of 16 Death&Taxes Andrea Ranocchia Underdog Legacy League 2018 #9 @ Terni 11/11/2018 1 of 16 Death And Taxes Nick Cowley Arizona Eternal Magic Masters @ Play or Draw 11/11/2018 2 of 16 Death & Taxes Laurens Van Der Beek Dutch Open Series Legacy @ Eindhoven, Netherlands 11/11/2018 5 of 83 Death and Taxes jectrush6 MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 10/11/2018 13 Death And Taxes Christophe Guillot Legacy Libourne is Magic @ Libourne 10/11/2018 2 of 14 Death N Taxes Oliver Gray Legacy #8 Ravensburg 2018 10/11/2018 2 of 20 Death and Taxes Avelino Puchol XXV Aniversario Gremio de Dragones 04/11/2018 2 of 17 Death and Taxes EpicLegion MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 03/11/2018 23 Death & Taxes Trevor Smith Legacy [Staples] @ Fire & Dice (Los Angeles, CA) 03/11/2018 1 of 23 Death & Taxes Jarrod Ellis Legacy [Staples] @ Fire & Dice (Los Angeles, CA) 03/11/2018 5 of 23 Death and Taxes Georg Zimmer 03.11.18 Weekly Legacy - Ollis Spielecenter Hamburg 03/11/2018 5 of 25 Death & Taxes Victor Barbosa 41º Alpha Legacy @ Red Jogos (Rio de Janeiro,Brazil) 03/11/2018 1 of 23 Death & Taxes Marcelo Magalhães 41º Alpha Legacy @ Red Jogos (Rio de Janeiro,Brazil) 03/11/2018 6 of 23 Death & Taxes Victor Barbosa 41º Alpha Legacy 03/11/2018 1 of 23 Death & Taxes Marcelo Magalhães 41º Alpha Legacy 03/11/2018 6 of 23 Death and Taxes malimujo MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 27/10/2018 3 Death & Taxes Manuel Capponcelli H-Demia Penta 18-19 #5 25/10/2018 5 of 22 Death&Taxes Jacopo Chianella LU 2018 #9 - Perugia 21/10/2018 3 of 12 D&t Fernando Ventura Lampions 2018.2 (PE-BR) @ Geek Pit 21/10/2018 4 of 16 Death and Taxes Ethan Showers 20.10.18 Weekly Legacy - Ollis Spielecenter Hamburg 20/10/2018 6 of 24 Death and Taxes Sven Dettmers 20.10.18 Weekly Legacy - Ollis Spielecenter Hamburg 20/10/2018 7 of 24 Death and Taxes jacetmsst MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 20/10/2018 26 First Prev Page 11 of 75 Next Last
Most played cards in Death and Taxes: 2244 Decks Aether Vial 8807 copies - 3.92 average Swords to Plowshares 8782 copies - 3.91 average Wasteland 8720 copies - 3.89 average Mother of Runes 8557 copies - 3.81 average Stoneforge Mystic 8500 copies - 3.79 average Thalia, Guardian of Thraben 8369 copies - 3.73 average Rishadan Port 8176 copies - 3.64 average Flickerwisp 7690 copies - 3.43 average Karakas 6477 copies - 2.89 average Phyrexian Revoker 6434 copies - 2.87 average Ethersworn Canonist 4007 copies - 1.79 average Rest in Peace 3898 copies - 1.74 average Serra Avenger 3398 copies - 1.51 average Mirran Crusader 3025 copies - 1.35 average Council's Judgment 2957 copies - 1.32 average Recruiter of the Guard 2427 copies - 1.08 average Umezawa's Jitte 2350 copies - 1.05 average Cavern of Souls 2270 copies - 1.01 average Containment Priest 2182 copies - 0.97 average Sword of Fire and Ice 2057 copies - 0.92 average