Death and Taxes Legacy decks

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Deck Name





Death and Taxes PyramidOfGreatness MTGO Legacy Challenge 19/07/2020 32
Death and Taxes Ignacio Moyano Liga Chilena Legacy Online #5 19/07/2020 4 of 26
RW Taxes RogerSteady MTGO Legacy Showcase 13/07/2020 16
Death and Taxes 3erpz MTGO Legacy Challenge 12/07/2020 7
Death and Taxes Andrés Rivera Online HabitanteNch #2 @ Chili and friends around the globe 12/07/2020 6 of 17
Death & Taxes Kelvin Au Weekly @ Weatherlight (Hong Kong) 08/07/2020 3 of 12
Death and Taxes yoshiwata MTGO Legacy Challenge 05/07/2020 5
Death&Taxes Jacopo Chianella MtG LEGAcy Umbria - III Tappa 2020 @Perugia 05/07/2020 1 of 14
Death and Taxes Egget MTGO Legacy League 04/07/2020 24
Death and Taxes Taracogenius MTGO Legacy League 04/07/2020 36
Death and Taxes 3erpz MTGO Legacy Challenge 29/06/2020 8
Death and Taxes Thiago Pereira 10º Legacy na Quarentena @ Brasil 28/06/2020 6 of 22
Death and Taxes Peizhi Zhong MTG Huizhou 65th Legacy Games 27/06/2020 4 of 8
Death And Taxes Kobe Tang Weekly Legacy @ Weatherlight (Hong Kong) 24/06/2020 3 of 14
Death and Taxes JollyMaeh MTGO Legacy Challenge 21/06/2020 6
Death and Taxes joker10289 MTGO Legacy Challenge 21/06/2020 17
Death and Taxes shiromuni MTGO Legacy Challenge 21/06/2020 30
Death and Taxes Lollopollo2001 MTGO Legacy League 20/06/2020 7
Death and Taxes malimujo MTGO Legacy Challenge 15/06/2020 2
Death and Taxes Bochen Huang MTG Huizhou 64th Legacy Games 13/06/2020 3
Death and Taxes yoshiwata MTGO Legacy Showcase 08/06/2020 4
Death and Taxes PeanutBrittle MTGO Legacy Showcase 08/06/2020 32
Death and Taxes ilprofetaVDR MTGO Legacy League 06/06/2020 16
Yorion Taxes shiromuni MTGO Legacy League 06/06/2020 23
Death and Taxes lsmguys MTGO Legacy League 06/06/2020 42
Death and Taxes twin_mtg MTGO Legacy League 06/06/2020 50
Death and Taxes lsmguys MTGO Legacy Preliminary 05/06/2020 7
Death & Taxes Collin Rountree Lotus Box League Season 1: Legacy 1.5K! @ Team Lotus Box 31/05/2020 3 of 209
Death & Taxes Michael Braverman Lotus Box League Season 1: Legacy 1.5K! @ Team Lotus Box 31/05/2020 11 of 209
Death and Taxes Mikebrav MTGO Legacy Preliminary 30/05/2020 7

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Most played cards in Death and Taxes :

491 Decks
4 copies - 0.01 average
Swords to Plowshares
4 copies - 0.01 average
Stoneforge Mystic
4 copies - 0.01 average
Rishadan Port
4 copies - 0.01 average
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
4 copies - 0.01 average
Samwise the Stouthearted
4 copies - 0.01 average
Aether Vial
4 copies - 0.01 average
3 copies - 0.01 average
Mother of Runes
3 copies - 0.01 average
Anointed Peacekeeper
2 copies - 0 average
Surgical Extraction
2 copies - 0 average
Extraction Specialist
2 copies - 0 average
Touch the Spirit Realm
2 copies - 0 average
Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire
2 copies - 0 average
2 copies - 0 average
Recruiter of the Guard
2 copies - 0 average
Marsh Flats
2 copies - 0 average
Spirit of the Labyrinth
2 copies - 0 average
Flooded Strand
2 copies - 0 average
Sanctum Prelate
1 copies - 0 average