Grixis Delver Legacy Archive decks

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Deck Name





Grixis Pyromancer SorboOne MTGO Legacy Challenge 23/04/2018 21 of 92
Grixis Pyromancer tiko MTGO Legacy Challenge 23/04/2018 23 of 92
Grixis Pyromancer EronRelentless MTGO Legacy Challenge 23/04/2018 26 of 92
Grixis Pyromancer kentaro_hokori MTGO Legacy Challenge 23/04/2018 27 of 92
Grixis Pyromancer dsalcovs MTGO Legacy Challenge 23/04/2018 32 of 92
Grixis Pyromancer Julian Völkel Swiss Top 8 Warschau 22/04/2018 8 of 104
Grixis Delver Ansuini Leonardo Underdog Legacy League 2018 #4 22/04/2018 3 of 12
Grixis Delver Danny Carpeggiani FML #6 - La Lega che ha scavato le classifiche 22/04/2018 4 of 18
Grixis Delver Ettore Cerracchio EBT Civil War 22/04/2018 4 of 28
Grixis pyromancer Juan Manuel Rodgriguez Cantos Torneo La Biblioteca Zurana (Abril) 21/04/2018 3 of 22
4C delver Antonio Lorenzo Torneo La Biblioteca Zurana (Abril) 21/04/2018 7 of 22
Grixis Pyromancer Nonbo MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 21/04/2018 9
Grixis Delver Yoann Allier MajestikGames 21/04 Trial Eternal 2018 21/04/2018 2 of 12
Grixis Delver Christoph Kull Magickeller Hannover - Legacy 21/04/2018 1 of 15
Grixis Delver Marco Candela Skypiea Gamestation Legacy League 8 21/04/2018 4 of 16
Grixis Pyromancer Patxi MTGO Legacy Challenge 16/04/2018 6 of 88
Grixis Pyromancer urlich00 MTGO Legacy Challenge 16/04/2018 12 of 88
Grixis Pyromancer Alakazimdk MTGO Legacy Challenge 16/04/2018 13 of 88
Grixis Pyromancer kentaro_hokori MTGO Legacy Challenge 16/04/2018 26 of 88
Grixis Pyromancer Ryuzu MTGO Legacy Challenge 16/04/2018 31 of 88
Grixis Delver Valentin Maxime Drakkar Tournament 2018 (Caen, France) 15/04/2018 4 of 50
Grixis Delver Ville Kaukoranta Sensei´s Divining Shop Series #2 Legacy 15/04/2018 3 of 62
Grixis Delver Joonas Kylä-harakka Sensei´s Divining Shop Series #2 Legacy 15/04/2018 6 of 62
Grixis Delver Lauri Törnström Sensei´s Divining Shop Series #2 Legacy 15/04/2018 7 of 62
Grixis Delver Louis Bachaud Geneva Legacy 11 15/04/2018 1 of 88
Grixis Pyromancer Martin Rickenman Geneva Legacy 11 15/04/2018 6 of 88
Grixis Delver Andrew Chau Guangzhou Invitation Qualifier in Hong Kong 15/04/2018 2 of 14
Grixis Delver Phillipe Maia Lampions League #5 15/04/2018 1 of 25
Grixis Delver Daniel Goetschel Face to Face Legacy Showdown 15/04/2018 1 of 39
Grixis Delver Andy Liang Face to Face Legacy Showdown 15/04/2018 4 of 39

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Most played cards in Grixis Delver:

828 Decks
3316 copies - 4 average
Delver of Secrets
3316 copies - 4 average
Force of Will
3308 copies - 4 average
3304 copies - 3.99 average
3304 copies - 3.99 average
Lightning Bolt
3296 copies - 3.98 average
3294 copies - 3.98 average
Volcanic Island
2289 copies - 2.76 average
Polluted Delta
2272 copies - 2.74 average
Underground Sea
2268 copies - 2.74 average
Young Pyromancer
2175 copies - 2.63 average
Deathrite Shaman
2088 copies - 2.52 average
Gitaxian Probe
1962 copies - 2.37 average
Gurmag Angler
1777 copies - 2.15 average
Surgical Extraction
1751 copies - 2.11 average
Scalding Tarn
1629 copies - 1.97 average
True-Name Nemesis
1560 copies - 1.88 average
1485 copies - 1.79 average
Flooded Strand
1440 copies - 1.74 average
Spell Pierce
1358 copies - 1.64 average