Lands Legacy Archive decks First Prev Page 20 of 41 Next Last # Deck Name Player Event Date Position Lands Jody Keith Grand Prix Las Vegas 2017 16/06/2017 4 of 2656 Lands Jarvis Yu Grand Prix Las Vegas 2017 16/06/2017 9 of 2656 Eternal Garden Diogo B Autilio CLM9 - TOP8 SpellBox 14/06/2017 1 of 12 Lands Sibelius1202 MTGO Legacy Challenge 12/06/2017 27 of 88 Lands Egget MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 12/06/2017 6 Lands Oscar Basart Catalan Legacy League - June edition (Girona) 10/06/2017 13 of 37 Lands yekcat MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 08/06/2017 10 Lands Nakagawa Tango 9th Legacy God Challenger 04/06/2017 2 of 298 Lands Dazai MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 03/06/2017 6 Lands Giacomo Battaglia OvinoSpring 2017 - Legacy Side Event 02/06/2017 6 of 61 Lands yekcat MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 02/06/2017 2 Lands Dazai MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 02/06/2017 3 Lands Ricky Apeldoorn Legacy Mei 2017 28/05/2017 3 of 14 Lands romariovidal MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 28/05/2017 10 Rug Lands Zack Wong Channel Fireball Legacy 4K 28/05/2017 3 of 98 Mazzo 40 Terre e 20 Counter Fuseri Ivan Lega WL 2.0 #5 28/05/2017 4 of 16 Lande Matteo Alberti LU 2017 #6 - Perugia 28/05/2017 2 of 12 Lands John Lattin Legacy GPT at The Geekery HQ 27/05/2017 2 of 36 Lands Alex Staver 1K/Vegas GPT @ MBH Seattle 27/05/2017 1 of 72 Lands Alex Staver Card Kingdom/Mox Boarding House - May 2017 27/05/2017 1 of 72 Lands romariovidal MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 25/05/2017 7 Lands OneWithNothing MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 24/05/2017 6 Lands genpex MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 24/05/2017 10 Lands Alberto Racca Bra in Storm Legacy : Ready to Rumble 21/05/2017 1 of 16 Lands Jeff Stevens Team Constructed Open - Louisville, KY 20/05/2017 3 of 301 Lands Jody Keith Team Constructed Open - Louisville, KY 20/05/2017 9 of 301 Rg Combo Lands Shcherbakov Ilya Saint-Petersburg Legacy Open, Russia 20/05/2017 7 of 48 Lands Oscar Basart Catalan Legacy League - May edition (Badalona) 20/05/2017 1 of 53 Lands Sullivan Brophy Legacy 1k - Top Deck Games Haddon Township, NJ 20/05/2017 7 Lands Ivan Fuseri 4 Seasons Spring - Bologna 14/05/2017 1 of 130 First Prev Page 20 of 41 Next Last
Most played cards in Lands: 1214 Decks Wasteland 4793 copies - 3.95 average Life from the Loam 4716 copies - 3.88 average Exploration 4672 copies - 3.85 average Mox Diamond 4650 copies - 3.83 average Crop Rotation 4120 copies - 3.39 average Thespian's Stage 4047 copies - 3.33 average Grove of the Burnwillows 3798 copies - 3.13 average Gamble 3764 copies - 3.1 average Dark Depths 3609 copies - 2.97 average Sphere of Resistance 3452 copies - 2.84 average Rishadan Port 3270 copies - 2.69 average Krosan Grip 3261 copies - 2.69 average Punishing Fire 3259 copies - 2.68 average Maze of Ith 3221 copies - 2.65 average Taiga 2269 copies - 1.87 average Tranquil Thicket 1768 copies - 1.46 average Ghost Quarter 1650 copies - 1.36 average Tireless Tracker 1479 copies - 1.22 average Manabond 1332 copies - 1.1 average Chalice of the Void 1314 copies - 1.08 average