Lands Legacy Archive decks

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Deck Name





Lands OneWithNothing MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 21/02/2017 5
Lands Daryl Ayers Team Constructed Open - Baltimore, MD 18/02/2017 5 of 927
Punishing Lands Tim Winter Legacy Win-a-Mox 18/02/2017 1 of 71
Lands Daryl_Ayers MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 15/02/2017 1
R/G Lands Hannes Lindblad IV Stockholm Legacy League, Finals 12/02/2017 6 of 16
Lands Gerber, Tobias 1K Legacy 12.02.17 12/02/2017 4 of 47
Lands Sven Anders Karlsson Alara Games Opening Weekend - Legacy 04/02/2017 1 of 41
Lands twiggy7646 MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 31/01/2017 10
Lands Diogo Mignon 2016 Brazilian Legacy National Championship 29/01/2017 7 of 123
Lands Stefano Mozzi MLL6#2017-Milano 29/01/2017 4 of 57
Lands lordofthepit23 MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 29/01/2017 2
Lands Steffen Möller 28.01.17 Weekly Legacy - Ollis Spielecenter Hamburg 28/01/2017 3
Lands lordofthepit23 MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 28/01/2017 2
Lands Blake Sanford Legacy 1k - The Complex 28/01/2017 2 of 38
Lands Patrick Holder Win Eternal Staples - Fire & Dice! 28/01/2017 3 of 47
Lands Traveler MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 24/01/2017 5
Lands Hori Masataka 70th KMC in Japan 22/01/2017 8 of 60
RG Lands Josh Cronk Face to Face Games Legacy Showdown 22/01/2017 4 of 50
Lands Aubameyoung Pierre Detto Mori Gianpi Guardie D´Onore Di Juniper - January 15/01/2017 3
Lands Jody Keith Grand Prix Louisville 2017 08/01/2017 9 of 1611
Lands Takisaka Toru 8th KMC Invitational in Japan 08/01/2017 1 of 25
Eternal Garden Felipe Duarte 16º Alpha Legacy 08/01/2017 1 of 43
Lands Tim Hughes Guf Ballarat Legacy Ladder Final 07/01/2017 4 of 54
Lands Daryl_Ayers MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 01/01/2017 1
Lands Daryl_Ayers MTGO Legacy League - Undefeated Decks 01/01/2017 1
Lands Gianpietro Mori Olympus Legacy League - Tappa 2 18/12/2016 5 of 42
Lands Jacob Baugh SCG Players Championship - Legacy Decks 18/12/2016 4 of 16
Lands Tom Ross SCG Players Championship - Legacy Decks 18/12/2016 10 of 16
Lands Ruben Justo Final Gallega Legacy 11/12/2016 3 of 24
Lands Pablo Diez Final Gallega Legacy 11/12/2016 7 of 24

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Most played cards in Lands:

1214 Decks
4793 copies - 3.95 average
Life from the Loam
4716 copies - 3.88 average
4672 copies - 3.85 average
Mox Diamond
4650 copies - 3.83 average
Crop Rotation
4120 copies - 3.39 average
Thespian's Stage
4047 copies - 3.33 average
Grove of the Burnwillows
3798 copies - 3.13 average
3764 copies - 3.1 average
Dark Depths
3609 copies - 2.97 average
Sphere of Resistance
3452 copies - 2.84 average
Rishadan Port
3270 copies - 2.69 average
Krosan Grip
3261 copies - 2.69 average
Punishing Fire
3259 copies - 2.68 average
Maze of Ith
3221 copies - 2.65 average
2269 copies - 1.87 average
Tranquil Thicket
1768 copies - 1.46 average
Ghost Quarter
1650 copies - 1.36 average
Tireless Tracker
1479 copies - 1.22 average
1332 copies - 1.1 average
Chalice of the Void
1314 copies - 1.08 average