Lands Legacy Archive decks First Prev Page 24 of 41 Next Last # Deck Name Player Event Date Position Lands Hori Masataka 63th KMC in Japan 14/08/2016 1 of 72 Lands Kageyama Yuichi 63th KMC in Japan 14/08/2016 6 of 72 Lands Fabricio Miranda LegacyRS - Step 08/12 - [NerdZ Store] Porto Alegre|RS|Brazil 07/08/2016 8 of 25 Lands Till [ARGENCES-14] Tournoi legacy 06/08 - CMN 06/08/2016 2 of 16 Lands Kabemura Toshiki Big Magic Open Vol.7 - Sunday Legacy 31/07/2016 7 of 286 Lands Javier Rodríguez Pozo 3r Open Legacy - Asgard Badalona 30/07/2016 8 of 26 Lands Nicholus Llanos Kick Engines Legacy Major 24/07/2016 3 of 36 Lands Randy Lintz SCG Classic - Columbus, OH 24/07/2016 5 of 96 Pillow Fort Germain Welles (Elmira, New York)--Mythic Games 2K 23/07/2016 8 Lands Miguel Argüelles Impact Returns 23/07/2016 7 of 109 Lands Pablo Diez Díaz Impact Returns 23/07/2016 12 of 109 Lands Oscar Basart LCL 2016 #7 - Sant Feliu de Llobregat 16/07/2016 5 of 65 BG Depths Rodrigo Pereira 9º Alpha Legacy 10/07/2016 6 of 31 Lands Kevin King Legacy Open - Worcester, MA 09/07/2016 2 of 772 Lands Blake Sanford Legacy Open - Worcester, MA 09/07/2016 19 of 772 Lands Ben Feingersh Legacy Open - Worcester, MA 09/07/2016 20 of 772 Lands Matthew Dilks Legacy Open - Worcester, MA 09/07/2016 23 of 772 Lands Neeraj Shukla Legacy Open - Worcester, MA 09/07/2016 27 of 772 Molten Lands Steffen Möller Legacy Kiel 09/07/2016 1 Lands Eric Flickinger SCG Invitational Qualifier - Lexington, KY 09/07/2016 3 Lands Hori Masataka 61th KMC in Japan 02/07/2016 2 of 89 Lands Ogata Taro 61th KMC in Japan 02/07/2016 6 of 89 Lands Russell Cooper SCG Classic - Dallas, TX 26/06/2016 8 of 202 Lands Levi Patton SCG Invitational Qualifier - Littleton, CO 26/06/2016 4 Lands Andrea Mengucci Forlì - King of Legacy 26/06/2016 3 of 40 Lands Broderick Stocks SCG Invitational Qualifier - Kingsport, TN 25/06/2016 1 Lands Stephen Pierce SCG Super IQ - Dallas, TX 19/06/2016 3 Lands Michael Morrill SCG Super IQ - Dallas, TX 19/06/2016 6 Lands Sam Doumanis SCG Invitational Qualifier - Bernardsville, NJ 18/06/2016 7 Lands Jarvis Yu Grand Prix Columbus 2016 12/06/2016 7 of 1824 First Prev Page 24 of 41 Next Last
Most played cards in Lands: 1214 Decks Wasteland 4793 copies - 3.95 average Life from the Loam 4716 copies - 3.88 average Exploration 4672 copies - 3.85 average Mox Diamond 4650 copies - 3.83 average Crop Rotation 4120 copies - 3.39 average Thespian's Stage 4047 copies - 3.33 average Grove of the Burnwillows 3798 copies - 3.13 average Gamble 3764 copies - 3.1 average Dark Depths 3609 copies - 2.97 average Sphere of Resistance 3452 copies - 2.84 average Rishadan Port 3270 copies - 2.69 average Krosan Grip 3261 copies - 2.69 average Punishing Fire 3259 copies - 2.68 average Maze of Ith 3221 copies - 2.65 average Taiga 2269 copies - 1.87 average Tranquil Thicket 1768 copies - 1.46 average Ghost Quarter 1650 copies - 1.36 average Tireless Tracker 1479 copies - 1.22 average Manabond 1332 copies - 1.1 average Chalice of the Void 1314 copies - 1.08 average