Lands Legacy Archive decks

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Lands Eric Adams SCG Invitational Qualifier - Prairieville, LA 11/06/2016 3
Lands Lukas Parson SCG Invitational Qualifier - Lexington, KY 05/06/2016 2
Lands Germain Welles (Elmira, New York)--Mythic Games 2K 04/06/2016 4
Lands Takisaka Toru Known Magicians Clan - 60th 04/06/2016 1 of 70
Lands Andrea Gabellini GoblinBologna - GBLL#8 29/05/2016 7 of 20
Lands Damiano Castellani Roè Volciano - Olympus #6 29/05/2016 4 of 53
Lands Gianpietro Mori Roè Volciano - Olympus #6 29/05/2016 8 of 53
Lands Nolan Blackwelder SCG Invitational Qualifier - Tampa, FL 29/05/2016 5
R/G Lands Steffen Möller Legacy Kiel 28/05/2016 1
Lands Jonas Knoll GPT Prag 28/05/2016 7 of 30
Lands Patrick Holder Legacy Staples - Fire & Dice - Los Angeles 28/05/2016 7 of 25
Lands Igor Granchi Lega Estiva Nebraska - Tappa 1 22/05/2016 2 of 22
Lands William Laxton SCG Invitational Qualifier - Cary, NC 15/05/2016 1
Dope Garden Kyle Lacey GPT Columbus 15/05/2016 6 of 20
Lands Vegard Ruden Norwegian Legacy Masters Qualifier #4 08/05/2016 6 of 19
Javuchi Javier Rodriguez GPT Praga El Nucli 07/05/2016 2 of 19
Lands Zachary Wiesel Dayton - Clash for Cash 01/05/2016 7 of 30
Lands Chris Anders Dayton - Clash for Cash 01/05/2016 8 of 30
BUG Lands Pete Cottell Mox Boarding House´s $1.5K - April 30/04/2016 7 of 47
Lands Steve Sizemore Dayton - Duels for Duals 30/04/2016 7 of 45
Lands Jan Bogner 30.04.16 Weekly Legacy - Ollis Spielecenter Hamburg 30/04/2016 3 of 16
Lands Eric Yu SCG Super IQ - Cayce, SC 30/04/2016 4
Lands Max Lerchenmüller Heldenschmiede Kempten 23/04/2016 2 of 10
Lands Javier Rodríguez LCL 2016 #4 - Martorell 23/04/2016 16 of 46
Lands Alexander Beirsdorfer Milano - OvinoSpring Legacy Side Event 22/04/2016 4 of 45
Lands James Balyszak Elmira, New York --Mythic Games 2K 17/04/2016 3
Lands Adam Varner SCG Classic - Columbus, OH 17/04/2016 14 of 200
Lands David Long SCG Classic - Baltimore, MD 10/04/2016 16 of 92
Lands Zach Lincoln Time Vault Legacy Open 10/04/2016 1 of 59
Lands Jonatan Caballero Liga Legacy Gipuzkoa Abril 2016 10/04/2016 1 of 24

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Most played cards in Lands:

1214 Decks
4793 copies - 3.95 average
Life from the Loam
4716 copies - 3.88 average
4672 copies - 3.85 average
Mox Diamond
4650 copies - 3.83 average
Crop Rotation
4120 copies - 3.39 average
Thespian's Stage
4047 copies - 3.33 average
Grove of the Burnwillows
3798 copies - 3.13 average
3764 copies - 3.1 average
Dark Depths
3609 copies - 2.97 average
Sphere of Resistance
3452 copies - 2.84 average
Rishadan Port
3270 copies - 2.69 average
Krosan Grip
3261 copies - 2.69 average
Punishing Fire
3259 copies - 2.68 average
Maze of Ith
3221 copies - 2.65 average
2269 copies - 1.87 average
Tranquil Thicket
1768 copies - 1.46 average
Ghost Quarter
1650 copies - 1.36 average
Tireless Tracker
1479 copies - 1.22 average
1332 copies - 1.1 average
Chalice of the Void
1314 copies - 1.08 average