OmniTell Legacy decks

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Deck Name





Omnitel Kagawa Ryouto 177th KMC in Japan 24/11/2024 3 of 56
OmniTell Kawakami Kazuya 177th KMC in Japan 24/11/2024 4 of 56
OmniTell Kawakami Kazuya 168th KMC in Japan 21/04/2024 8 of 48
Eureka-Tell Funnybone Open League 07/03/2024 10 of 14
Chiudo gli occhi e tappo QUATTRO Simone Giaquinto Turin Legacy League 2k24 - Tappa 1 17/12/2023 2 of 30
OmniTell Kasai Ryouta 152nd KMC in Japan 29/04/2023 4 of 90
OmniTell Shinohara Gen 145th KMC in Japan 25/09/2022 3 of 71
UB Tell Damien Fragé Mensuel CMN @ Club Magic Normand (Caen, France) 11/09/2022 1 of 16
OmniTell LaikaComeHome Legacy Challenger 03/07/2022 30
Omnitell snoopy-magic MTGO Legacy Challenge 12/06/2022 13
Omnitell Nicola Fantini PGG 21-22 - Tappa #6 - Rocco, Chef Dei Cabaretti 22/05/2022 8 of 34
Omnitell Lorenzo Loconte LAW 21-22 #7 - 7th Heaven 15/05/2022 6 of 41
UG mi pento di non giocare 4 Dress Down Francesco Baratto PGG 21-22 - Tappa #5 - Schiaffo Su Kappa 24/04/2022 6 of 44
UG Omnitell Chinelli Iacopo TLL 2021/22 #4 24/04/2022 4 of 16
OmniTell Alessandro Tassini PGG 21-22 - Tappa #4 - Maratona Mentana 13/03/2022 3 of 44
Giorno: Cantrippi e Scarti, Notte: Scombi e Vinci Nicola Guidi PGG 21-22 - Tappa #4 - Maratona Mentana 13/03/2022 6 of 44
OmniTell Jordi Nevot Lliga Catalana de Legacy 2022 by BEE MTG - 3rd Stage 12/03/2022 6 of 54
OmniTell José Antonio Badia Lliga Catalana de Legacy 2022 by BEE MTG - 3rd Stage 12/03/2022 14 of 54
OmniTell José Antonio Badia Lliga Catalana de Legacy 2022 by BEE MTG - 2nd Stage 26/02/2022 11 of 64
OmniTell Jordi Nevot Lliga Catalana de Legacy 2022 by BEE MTG - 2nd Stage 26/02/2022 14 of 64
OmniTell Carles Miñón Lliga Catalana de Legacy 2022 by BEE MTG - 1st Stage 15/01/2022 4 of 55
OmniTell Iwasaki Koichi 136th KMC in Japan 18/12/2021 6 of 97
UG Omnitell Chinelli Iacopo TLL 2021/22 #2 12/12/2021 5 of 22
OmniTell Iwasaki Kouichi 134th KMC in Japan 10/10/2021 8 of 84
UW Omnitell Alessandro Ghiggi Magicplanet Legacy Event 02/10/2021 7 of 32
OmniTell PaChA94s MTGO Legacy Challenge 12/07/2021 13
OmniTell Marco Pacilio Eternal Rise Again! 04/07/2021 2 of 117
OmniTell Lorenzo Loconte Eternal Rise Again! 04/07/2021 11 of 117
OmniTell Lorenzo Loconte 4Seasons The Park 27/06/2021 2 of 165
OmniTell 2plus2isfive MTGO Legacy Challenge 13/06/2021 12

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Most played cards in OmniTell:

262 Decks
Show and Tell
1052 copies - 4.02 average
Force of Will
1047 copies - 4 average
1040 copies - 3.97 average
1040 copies - 3.97 average
1027 copies - 3.92 average
Snow-Covered Island
816 copies - 3.11 average
Misty Rainforest
791 copies - 3.02 average
Cunning Wish
738 copies - 2.82 average
Veil of Summer
736 copies - 2.81 average
675 copies - 2.58 average
Emrakul, the Aeons Torn
542 copies - 2.07 average
Ice-Fang Coatl
464 copies - 1.77 average
Prismatic Vista
463 copies - 1.77 average
Carpet of Flowers
378 copies - 1.44 average
Flooded Strand
349 copies - 1.33 average
Tropical Island
322 copies - 1.23 average
City of Traitors
321 copies - 1.23 average
309 copies - 1.18 average
302 copies - 1.15 average
287 copies - 1.1 average