OmniTell Legacy Archive decks

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Omnitell Fabio Mendes 15º Alpha Legacy 10/12/2016 7 of 48
Omnitell Rafael Cirino 15º Alpha Legacy 10/12/2016 15 of 48
Omni-Tell Eric Blanc SCG Invitational Qualifier - Terre Haute, IN 03/12/2016 2
Omnitell Leonardo Couto Super LegacyRS - 2016 - [NerdZ Store] Porto Alegre|RS|Brazil 27/11/2016 14 of 43
Omni-Tell Brandon Malzahn SCG Invitational Qualifier - Kingsport, TN 27/11/2016 4
OmniShow Frederic Brandt Trader Liga Dülmen November 20/11/2016 1 of 30
Omnitell Pacilio Marco Kingdom Legacy 2016/2017 #3 13/11/2016 2 of 40
OmniTell Rafael Cirino 14º Alpha Legacy 06/11/2016 4 of 28
Omnitell Alesander Samaniego Liga Legacy Gipuzkoa Octubre 2016 23/10/2016 7 of 24
Omnitell Rodrigo Sousa 13º Alpha Legacy 22/10/2016 8 of 39
Omni-Sneak Michael Wyckoff SCG Invitational Qualifier - East Windsor, NJ 20/10/2016 6
Omni-Sneak Zach Zent SCG Invitational Qualifier - Phoenix, AZ 08/10/2016 6
Omnitell Federico Neri SLS #1 Season4 03/10/2016 6 of 24
Omni-Tell Patrick Smith SCG Classic - Indianapolis, IN 02/10/2016 2 of 91
Omni-Tell Arthur Fusco SCG Classic - Indianapolis, IN 02/10/2016 4 of 91
Show and Tell Alesander Samaniego Liga Legacy Gipuzkoa Septiembre 2016 02/10/2016 3 of 34
Omni-Tell Kyle Forbes SCG Invitational Qualifier - Lexington, KY 18/09/2016 1
Omni-Sneak Christopher Conant SCG Invitational Qualifier - Dalton, GA 18/09/2016 5
Show and Tell Nicolás Suffo Trial MKM Series Praga - Full Magic Weekend 2016 17/09/2016 3 of 41
Sneak & Show Rick Wilbrink Eternal Groningen 17/09/2016 1 of 11
Show and Tell Giaretta Andrea Tarmogeddon 11/09/2016 7 of 138
Show and Tell Tapparello Bruno Tarmogeddon 11/09/2016 8 of 138
Omni-Tell Bethany Dyke SCG Invitational Qualifier - Lafayette, IN 03/09/2016 1
Omni-Tell Roger Riera TOP Series SCG Barcelona 03/09/2016 3 of 63
Omni-Tell David Ureña TOP Series SCG Barcelona 03/09/2016 6 of 63
Omni-Sneak Ricky Raymond SCG Invitational Qualifier - Springfield, VA 27/08/2016 3
Omnitell Fabio Mendes 10º Alpha Legacy 07/08/2016 3 of 29
Show and Tell Castermant Julien [ARGENCES-14] Tournoi legacy 06/08 - CMN 06/08/2016 3 of 16
Omnitell Luca Fiorini Four Season Trial 04/08/2016 1 of 20
Show and Tell David Ureña 3r Open Legacy - Asgard Badalona 30/07/2016 1 of 26

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Most played cards in OmniTell:

954 Decks
3799 copies - 3.98 average
Show and Tell
3798 copies - 3.98 average
Force of Will
3790 copies - 3.97 average
3775 copies - 3.96 average
3687 copies - 3.86 average
3146 copies - 3.3 average
Cunning Wish
2414 copies - 2.53 average
Scalding Tarn
2013 copies - 2.11 average
Emrakul, the Aeons Torn
1988 copies - 2.08 average
Polluted Delta
1948 copies - 2.04 average
Flooded Strand
1823 copies - 1.91 average
Ancient Tomb
1770 copies - 1.86 average
Gitaxian Probe
1612 copies - 1.69 average
City of Traitors
1539 copies - 1.61 average
Misty Rainforest
1403 copies - 1.47 average
1222 copies - 1.28 average
1219 copies - 1.28 average
Volcanic Island
1197 copies - 1.25 average
Spell Pierce
1187 copies - 1.24 average
Leyline of Sanctity
1181 copies - 1.24 average