OmniTell Legacy Archive decks

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Deck Name





Omnishow Marcantonio Savelli Bologna - WLL Primavera/Estate #3 06/04/2016 2 of 12
Bug Omnishow Federico Neri Senigallia - S.L.S.#6: Infrasettimanale 29/03/2016 7 of 18
Omnitell Michael Clifford ChannelFireball Game Center 3k 27/03/2016 2 of 92
Omni-Attack Marc Boluda LCL 2016 #3 - Cawa, Girona 26/03/2016 14 of 60
Mono U Omnitell Andy Fert GPT For GP Columbus 24/03/2016 2 of 27
Omnishow Marcantonio Savelli Bologna - WLL Primavera/Estate #2 23/03/2016 2 of 14
Show and Tell Andy Fent SCG Classic - Indianapolis, IN 20/03/2016 8 of 163
Omnitell Giacomo Valdrighi Torino - TMT #1 Results 19/03/2016 5 of 157
Show and Tell Iwasaki Kouichi Known Magicians Clan 56th 13/03/2016 4 of 70
OmniTell Unknown Player Prague Eternal - Legacy Main Event 12/03/2016 7 of 110
Omnitell Marcantonio Savelli Bologna - WLL Primavera/Estate #1 09/03/2016 1 of 14
Omnitell Marcantonio Savelli Bologna - WLL Primavera/Estate #1 09/03/2016 1 of 14
UR Omnitell Masaladzhiu Roman Goldfish, Moscow 07/03/2016 5 of 18
Omnishow Marcello Zerbinati Bondeno - FML#2 28/02/2016 4 of 25
Omnishow Ivan Zobbi Ubersetto MO - Legacy 25/02/2016 2 of 11
Show and tell Héctor Artés Primera liga de legacy de los jueves - Ronda Zero 25/02/2016 5 of 34
Omni-Tell Marshall Mcclarnon SCG Classic - Louisville, KY 21/02/2016 11 of 93
Grixis Omnitell Emil Andersson II Stockholm Legacy League, Final 20/02/2016 8 of 16
Omnitell Giacomo Valdrighi Top European Series Milan - Legacy Main Event 13/02/2016 8 of 110
Omniscience Nicola Marchetti Top European Series Milan - Legacy Main Event 13/02/2016 4 of 110
OmniTell Patrick Feist Hannover Legacy Feb. 2016 13/02/2016 2 of 29
Omnitell Giacomo Valdrighi MKM Series Milan - Legacy Main Event 06/02/2016 7 of 108
Omnitell Luboš Koudelka Czech Legacy Series #1 30/01/2016 5 of 44
Omnitell Roberto Saavedra LIL 3x01 30/01/2016 5 of 29
Omnitell Giacomo Valdrighi TheOracle Fucecchio - VSM #3 29/01/2016 6 of 18
Omni-Tell Mario Fortes LCL 2016 - #1 Kaburi 23/01/2016 9 of 65
Omni-Tell Roger Riera LCL 2016 - #1 Kaburi 23/01/2016 12 of 65
Bug Omnishow Federico Neri Senigallia - S.L.S.#1 19/01/2016 1 of 28
Omniscence Nicolò Pensa MTGQ On-Line #2 19/01/2016 3 of 32
Omnitell Alessandro Cermelli Savona WL#3 10/01/2016 8 of 24

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Most played cards in OmniTell:

954 Decks
3799 copies - 3.98 average
Show and Tell
3798 copies - 3.98 average
Force of Will
3790 copies - 3.97 average
3775 copies - 3.96 average
3687 copies - 3.86 average
3146 copies - 3.3 average
Cunning Wish
2414 copies - 2.53 average
Scalding Tarn
2013 copies - 2.11 average
Emrakul, the Aeons Torn
1988 copies - 2.08 average
Polluted Delta
1948 copies - 2.04 average
Flooded Strand
1823 copies - 1.91 average
Ancient Tomb
1770 copies - 1.86 average
Gitaxian Probe
1612 copies - 1.69 average
City of Traitors
1539 copies - 1.61 average
Misty Rainforest
1403 copies - 1.47 average
1222 copies - 1.28 average
1219 copies - 1.28 average
Volcanic Island
1197 copies - 1.25 average
Spell Pierce
1187 copies - 1.24 average
Leyline of Sanctity
1181 copies - 1.24 average