OmniTell Legacy Archive decks

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Deck Name





Omni-Tell Chris VanMeter SCG Invitational Qualifier - Roanoke, VA 17/05/2015 2
Omnitell Nick Loiacono SCG Premier IQ - Dallas, TX 17/05/2015 8 of 151
Show and Tell Kayleb Koslowsky SCG Premier IQ - Dallas, TX 17/05/2015 15 of 151
Omnitell Dennis Wilder SCG Premier IQ - Dallas, TX 17/05/2015 16 of 151
OmniTell Sete Bandrés Liga Valenciana de Legacy VII - Torneo 9 17/05/2015 8 of 15
Omnitell Gustavo Pacheco 1º Etapa da Liga Legacy Rio de Janeiro 2015 16/05/2015 5 of 32
UR Omnitell Manuel Hitzhaus Heldenschmiede Kempten 16/05/2015 2 of 10
Omni Show Nicolas Goldberg GPT Lille @ Troll2jeux - Paris, France 16/05/2015 1 of 24
Omnitell Antonio Magliari Ubersetto Legacy 11/05/2015 7 of 23
Infinite Dreams Jose Manuel Díez Segundo Legacy La Cueva del Trol 10/05/2015 1 of 22
Omni-Show Luca Bolis Camp. Camunia Ludica #2 10/05/2015 4 of 23
Omni-Show Alessandro Smanio Camp. Camunia Ludica #2 10/05/2015 7 of 23
OmniTell Dario Moreno 5º LML 2015 09/05/2015 3 of 34
OmniTell Mikel De San Roman Liga Legacy Gipuzkoa Mayo 2015 09/05/2015 1 of 33
Omnitell Odei Torres Liga Legacy Gipuzkoa Mayo 2015 09/05/2015 7 of 33
OmniTell Xavi Muntada Ingenio Legacy Event, Barcelona 09/05/2015 1 of 65
Omnitell Sergio Seoane Ingenio Legacy Event, Barcelona 09/05/2015 5 of 65
OmniTell Guillem Alomar Ingenio Legacy Event, Barcelona 09/05/2015 6 of 65
Omnitell Xavi Muntada Legacy Tournament - Ingenio 09/05/2015 1 of 65
Omnitell Sergio Seoane Legacy Tournament - Ingenio 09/05/2015 5 of 65
Omnitell Guillem Alomar Legacy Tournament - Ingenio 09/05/2015 6 of 65
Show and Tell Duncan Maunders SCG Premier IQ - Portland, OR 03/05/2015 14 of 107
Omnitell Wenceslao López Fernández Legacy - El Bazar de Iglesias 02/05/2015 3 of 36
Omnitell Justo Fernandez Legacy - El Bazar de Iglesias 02/05/2015 4 of 36
Omnitell Nicola Marchetti Ovino_Spring - Legacy Main Event 02/05/2015 3 of 208
OmniTell Emanuele Marcotti Ovino_Spring - Legacy Main Event 02/05/2015 6 of 208
Omnitell Stefano Masciulli Bologna - GBLL#8 27/04/2015 4 of 33
Omnitell Giulio Cavalli Bologna - GBLL#8 27/04/2015 5 of 33
Omni-Tell Zechariah Szoke SCG Premier IQ - Cleveland, OH 26/04/2015 5 of 140
Omnitell Marco Fanton PGG Legacy 4° Tappa (Italy Novegro) 26/04/2015 2 of 39

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Most played cards in OmniTell:

954 Decks
3799 copies - 3.98 average
Show and Tell
3798 copies - 3.98 average
Force of Will
3790 copies - 3.97 average
3775 copies - 3.96 average
3687 copies - 3.86 average
3146 copies - 3.3 average
Cunning Wish
2414 copies - 2.53 average
Scalding Tarn
2013 copies - 2.11 average
Emrakul, the Aeons Torn
1988 copies - 2.08 average
Polluted Delta
1948 copies - 2.04 average
Flooded Strand
1823 copies - 1.91 average
Ancient Tomb
1770 copies - 1.86 average
Gitaxian Probe
1612 copies - 1.69 average
City of Traitors
1539 copies - 1.61 average
Misty Rainforest
1403 copies - 1.47 average
1222 copies - 1.28 average
1219 copies - 1.28 average
Volcanic Island
1197 copies - 1.25 average
Spell Pierce
1187 copies - 1.24 average
Leyline of Sanctity
1181 copies - 1.24 average