Painters Legacy Archive decks First Prev Page 9 of 18 Next Last # Deck Name Player Event Date Position Painter Michael Mapson SCG Invitational Qualifier - Hatboro, PA 30/11/2014 8 Painter Zachary Maddox SCG Invitational Qualifier - Monroeville, PA 29/11/2014 7 L´azur d´un rêve Tiago Rafael Blauth LegacyRS - Last Step/14 Jambô POA-RS Brazil 16/11/2014 4 of 29 R/W Painters Hector Tamarit 2ª Jornada Liga Legacy Villarreal 09/11/2014 5 of 23 Painter Jonathan Suarez SCG Invitational Qualifier - Roanoke, VA 09/11/2014 8 Imperial Painter Claus Nielsen Magicplayers Assemble - World Series, vol. III 01/11/2014 1 of 23 U/R Painter Jesse Olson Legacy Open - Minneapolis, MN 26/10/2014 5 of 247 Imperial Painter Daniel Rude Legacy Open - Minneapolis, MN 26/10/2014 15 of 247 Red Army Oscar Montero LCL 2014 - October 18/10/2014 6 of 63 UR Painters Alberto Varela 8º LML 2014 12/10/2014 4 of 32 Painter Accart Jean-Mary Finale CDF Legacy 2014 @Toulouse 05/10/2014 4 of 59 Painters Matteo Tassinari Porto Sant´Elpidio 13/09/2014 4 Imperial Painter Zoilo Marallag Singapore Legacy Championship by CMG(DG) 07/09/2014 8 of 47 Painters Roberto Saavedra III Torneo Liga Impact Legacy 06/09/2014 4 of 17 Imperial Painter Jack Kitchen Legacy Open - Somerset, NJ 31/08/2014 4 of 443 Imperial Painter Jonathan Suarez Legacy Open - Somerset, NJ 31/08/2014 10 of 443 Grixis Painter Jonathan Salem SCG Invitational Qualifier - San Diego, CA 31/08/2014 4 Painter Byron Long SCG Invitational Qualifier - Toronto 30/08/2014 2 Shortcake Steffen Möller Kieler Legacy - August 30/08/2014 3 of 34 Imperial Painter Sean Park Legacy Open - Washington, DC 24/08/2014 13 of 285 Painter Clayton Arch SCG Invitational Qualifier - Mauldin, SC 23/08/2014 4 Imperial Painter Jonathan Suarez SCG Invitational Qualifier - Roanoke, VA 03/08/2014 6 Painter Neil Hartman SCG Invitational Qualifier - Lafayette, In 02/08/2014 3 Imperial Painter Bryan Fierres Hobby Horse (Taylorville, IL) Monthly Legacy for Duals 02/08/2014 7 of 20 Imperial Painter Brian Coval SCG Invitational Qualifier - Monroeville, PA 19/07/2014 7 Imperial Painter Ian Carle Legacy Open - Worcester, MA 06/07/2014 10 of 290 Painted Stone Javier Rodriguez 22º Torneo TEAM-O Legacy 21/06/2014 3 of 23 RW Painter Josh Staples Durham NC, Atomic Empire Eternal Weekend VI 14/06/2014 1 of 17 Grixis Painter Jared Boettcher Invitational - Columbus, OH 13/06/2014 4 of 454 Painted Stone Jorge Fernández Carrera 4º LIGACY 2014 31/05/2014 2 of 30 First Prev Page 9 of 18 Next Last
Most played cards in Painters: 523 Decks Painter's Servant 2066 copies - 3.95 average Grindstone 1967 copies - 3.76 average Ancient Tomb 1812 copies - 3.46 average Pyroblast 1605 copies - 3.07 average Red Elemental Blast 1376 copies - 2.63 average City of Traitors 1319 copies - 2.52 average Blood Moon 1292 copies - 2.47 average Imperial Recruiter 1273 copies - 2.43 average Goblin Welder 1153 copies - 2.2 average Sensei's Divining Top 1116 copies - 2.13 average Ensnaring Bridge 959 copies - 1.83 average Simian Spirit Guide 952 copies - 1.82 average Force of Will 713 copies - 1.36 average Tormod's Crypt 705 copies - 1.35 average Great Furnace 667 copies - 1.28 average Brainstorm 657 copies - 1.26 average Scalding Tarn 641 copies - 1.23 average Magus of the Moon 597 copies - 1.14 average Lotus Petal 544 copies - 1.04 average Thorn of Amethyst 470 copies - 0.9 average