Pyrostatic Oath Premodern decks

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Deck Name





Pyrostatic Oath (2-1) Ignacio De Leo Argentog - FtogNM 25/02/2023 3 of 6
RG Oath Xipo I´onesto Piedra Bruja Weekly - 22/02/23 22/02/2023 1 of 21
Pyrostatic Oath Martin Gastaniga Magic Lair Premodern Argentina 18/02/2023 2 of 22
Pyrostatic Oath Javier Orts Technoliga Valenciana de Premodern (Casado-top con hijos) 18/02/2023 6 of 16
Pyrostatic Oath José Manuel Fernández Kiwic II Rocket Cup (Especial Technoliga Valencia) 22/01/2023 8 of 18
Pyrostatic Oath Jesús Pastor Fernandez Liga Premodern Alicante 2023 2ª Jornada 21/01/2023 8 of 21
Pyrostatic Oath Vitor Hoffman Liga Paulista de Premodern - Season 3 - Etapa 1 15/01/2023 1 of 17
Pyrostatic Oath Javier Orts Technoliga Valenciana de Premodern (coge el dinero y corre) 14/01/2023 3 of 12
Pyrostatic Oath Gian Marco Marzetti Cesena Premodern Christmas 22 21/12/2022 4 of 16
Pyrostatic Oath Efrén Gilabert Torneo Final Liga Premodern Alicante 17/12/2022 3 of 8
Pyrostatic Oath Jose Manuel Fernandez LCOS Premodern - Mishra´s Day 11/12/2022 7 of 26
Pyrostatic Oath Jesús Palo Hispanoesfera 18 Ed (Noviembre´22) 30/11/2022 8 of 24
Pyrostatic Oath Ignasi Villagrasa LCOS Premodern - Noviembre 2022 20/11/2022 5 of 18
Pyrostatic Oath Federico Kleiner Argentog - Foratog Edition(#8) 11/10/2022 3 of 29
Repercussion Oath Gerard Saborit LCOS Premodern - Septiembre 2022 25/09/2022 5 of 13
Pyrostatic Oath Brian Lioi Argentog - Edition(#8) 04/09/2022 4
Pyrostatic Oath Federico Kleiner Premodern Online Monthly (August 2022) 30/08/2022 10 of 99
Oath Pyrostatic Pablo Marcos The Magic Online Society - August Semimonthly #2 28/08/2022 3 of 16
Pyrostatic Oath Sebastian Rodriguez Magic Lair Premodern Argentina 27/08/2022 3 of 10
Pyrostatic Oath Ignasi Villagrasa LCOS Premodern - Agosto 2022 21/08/2022 1 of 23
Pyrostatic Oath Christoforos Karantinakis Premodern summer open (efantasy - Crete) 13/08/2022 6 of 12
Pyrostatic Oath Brian Lioi Clasificatorio #3 Nacional Argentino de Premodern - Magic Lair 13/08/2022 4 of 33
Pyrostatic Oath Flint Espil Premodern Online Monthly (July 2022) 31/07/2022 8 of 89
Pyrostatic Oath Federico Kleiner Premodern Online Monthly (June 2022) 30/06/2022 14 of 101
Pyrostatic Oath Federico Kleiner Hispanoesfera 13ª Ed (Junio ´22) 30/06/2022 8 of 40
Pyrostatic Oath Federico Kleiner Premodern Online Monthly (May 2022) 31/05/2022 9 of 102
Pyrostatic Oath Sergi Galvez LCOS Premodern - Mayo 2022 29/05/2022 1 of 19
Pyrostatic Oath Federico Kleiner Hispanoesfera 11ª ED (Abril ´22) 30/04/2022 1 of 45
Pyrostatic Oath Federico Kleiner Clasificatorio #1 Nacional Argentino de Premodern - Magic Lair 10/04/2022 7 of 30
Burning Oath Brandon Econ Philadelphia Old School Premodern Monthly 02/01/2022 5 of 16

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Most played cards in Pyrostatic Oath :

60 Decks
Treetop Village
4 copies - 0.07 average
Black Vise
4 copies - 0.07 average
Wooded Foothills
4 copies - 0.07 average
Mishra's Factory
4 copies - 0.07 average
Oath of Druids
4 copies - 0.07 average
Lightning Bolt
4 copies - 0.07 average
Pyrostatic Pillar
4 copies - 0.07 average
4 copies - 0.07 average
Sylvan Library
3 copies - 0.05 average
Burning Wish
3 copies - 0.05 average
3 copies - 0.05 average
Sulfuric Vortex
3 copies - 0.05 average
Tormod's Crypt
3 copies - 0.05 average
Ravenous Baloth
3 copies - 0.05 average
Gaea's Blessing
2 copies - 0.03 average
Karplusan Forest
2 copies - 0.03 average
Bloodfire Colossus
2 copies - 0.03 average
2 copies - 0.03 average
Slice and Dice
2 copies - 0.03 average
1 copies - 0.02 average