Rogue Premodern decks

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Deck Name





Turtle Rock Ubichee The Magic Online Society - October League #1 29/10/2023 12 of 70
Macotas Peleonas Carlos Zapata Liga Premodern Alicante 2023 22ª Jornada 28/10/2023 1 of 18
Turtle Rock Ubichee The Magic Online Society - October Playoffs #2 25/10/2023 8 of 16
Mascotas Peleonas Carlos Zapata Liga Premodern Alicante 2023 21ª Jornada 14/10/2023 5 of 21
Pesadilla la baraja Eshtasha LCOS Premodern - Octubre 2023 08/10/2023 6 of 21
WG Madness Iskender Kamchibekov SPb Lampovy Premodern 03.10.2023 03/10/2023 2 of 13
Food Chain Elves Stepan Eliseev SPb Lampovy Premodern 03.10.2023 03/10/2023 4 of 13
Mascotas Peleonas Carlos Zapata Liga Premodern Alicante 2023 20ª Jornada 30/09/2023 5 of 19
Buco Pressiano Jace CLZ Moxforge League September 2023 30/09/2023 11 of 20
Mascotas Peleonas Carlos Zapata Liga Premodern Alicante 2023 19ª Jornada 16/09/2023 6 of 22
Plague Survirock Carolus Maximus LCOS Premodern - Septiembre 2023 03/09/2023 1 of 30
Exalted Suicide Marcos González Liga Premodern Alicante 2023 18ª Jornada 02/09/2023 2 of 15
Mascotas Peleonas Carlos Zapata Liga Premodern Alicante 2023 18ª Jornada 02/09/2023 4 of 15
Power Horror Ubichee The Magic Online Society - August Playoffs #2 01/09/2023 4 of 16
Turtle Rock Ubichee The Magic Online Society - August League #1 20/08/2023 4 of 40
Macotas Peleonas Carlos Zapata Liga Premodern Alicante 2023 17ª Jornada 19/08/2023 3 of 18
Madness RG NickCotrupi The Magic Online Society - August Playoffs #1 17/08/2023 7 of 16
Awesome Phil´s Deck Pablo Marcos The Magic Online Society - July League #3 06/08/2023 2 of 39
Junk Deedcree Fpawlusz The Magic Online Society - July League #3 06/08/2023 5 of 39
Warped Devotion Aggro Jace ClZ Moxforge League July 2023 31/07/2023 10 of 12
21 Pandeburst Maximiliano Arguello Sosa Magic Lair (Argentina) 22/07/2023 8 of 16
Mascotas Velianas Veliana Ivanova Liga Premodern Alicante 2022 15ª Jornada 22/07/2023 8 of 21
Radagast & friends Pablo Vazquez PV Mensual Malagueño Julio 16/07/2023 1 of 11
Gamekeeper Rock Jürgen Stephan Nordbayerische Premodern Meisterschaft 2023 15/07/2023 4 of 22
Red Control Claretcrab LCOS Premodern - Julio 2023 09/07/2023 2 of 22
Techno Auras Ramón Soriano Technoliga Valenciana de Premodern (¡¡¿CAGA EL PAPA?!!)) 01/07/2023 2 of 7
3C Enforcer-ageddon Cato Estévez Hispanoesfera 24 ED (Junio´23) 30/06/2023 4 of 45
Minotaures Jace#8322 Moxforge League June 2023 30/06/2023 7 of 20
GamekeeperGames MagicMartin Moxforge League June 2023 30/06/2023 10 of 20
Beast Fire Mojo 86 Moxforge League June 2023 30/06/2023 15 of 20

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Most played cards in Rogue:

475 Decks
Mesmeric Fiend
820 copies - 1.73 average
Swords to Plowshares
596 copies - 1.25 average
553 copies - 1.16 average
Lightning Bolt
500 copies - 1.05 average
City of Brass
493 copies - 1.04 average
Tormod's Crypt
450 copies - 0.95 average
438 copies - 0.92 average
Cabal Therapy
375 copies - 0.79 average
Engineered Plague
364 copies - 0.77 average
Call of the Herd
327 copies - 0.69 average
Gemstone Mine
320 copies - 0.67 average
Windswept Heath
318 copies - 0.67 average
Birds of Paradise
308 copies - 0.65 average
Wooded Foothills
293 copies - 0.62 average
275 copies - 0.58 average
Mishra's Factory
261 copies - 0.55 average
Treetop Village
256 copies - 0.54 average
Llanowar Wastes
251 copies - 0.53 average
Flooded Strand
234 copies - 0.49 average
Mox Diamond
229 copies - 0.48 average