Sneak Attack Legacy Archive decks First Prev Page 38 of 48 Next Last # Deck Name Player Event Date Position Sneak and Show Blaine Christensen 2012 Gen Con Legacy Championship 18/08/2012 13 of 350 Sneak Attack triosk 2012 Legacy MOCS 17/08/2012 28 of 353 Sneak Show Florian Hauer WPN Qualifier Legacy Turniers vom 11.08.2012 11/08/2012 3 of 24 Sneak and Show Barletta Antonino Torneo in Uguzzone - Milano 11/08/2012 4 of 23 Attack of the Show Alan Shupe Jupiter Games August'12 11/08/2012 2 Sneak and Show Scott Abramowski Legacy Open - Buffalo 29/07/2012 7 of 216 Griselbrand fa merda, IO non concedo a Karakas. Baratto Francesco Spaccamondo Vicenza 22/07/2012 1 of 58 Not gonna tell you twice Agostini Matteo Spaccamondo Vicenza 22/07/2012 4 of 58 Sneak Attack Enrique Llano Liga de Legacy de Cantabria III - Torneo 7 22/07/2012 3 of 36 Sneak Attack Francisco Sierra Liga de Legacy de Cantabria III - Torneo 7 22/07/2012 5 of 36 Sneak Show Eli Kassis (1K) Mythic Games Invitational Qualifier July 21/07/2012 6 Sneak & Show David Quateman Legacy Open - St. Louis 15/07/2012 17 of 223 Sneak and Show Francesco Delfino LwL #12 Loano (SV) 15/07/2012 1 of 17 Sneak Attack Sebastian Fiala-Ibitz SpielRaumWien Sunday Legacy 15/07/2012 3 of 17 Sneak and Show Eli Kassis Jupiter Games July 14/07/2012 2 of 32 Sneak Attack Busnelli Angelo Arcore (MI) - 4ª Tappa SLC 2012 14/07/2012 8 of 19 Sneak and Show David Young Sandusky Monthly Legacy - July 08/07/2012 2 of 78 Sneak&Show Francesco Fraglica BCLL#10 - Asti 08/07/2012 7 of 33 Sneak Attack Max Palachev Volgograd Legacy Masters Final 01/07/2012 7 Sneak and Show Corbett Gray Legacy Open - Seattle 01/07/2012 7 of 187 Sneack & Show Rabolini Dario Busto A.(VA) Defcon tour estivo 01/07/2012 1 of 16 Sneack & Show Lotti Mauro Busto A.(VA) Defcon tour estivo 01/07/2012 8 of 16 Sneak and Show Buglione, Giuseppe MAGIChianti #10 01/07/2012 2 of 24 Sneak and Show Derrick Roger SCG Super Invitational Qualifier - Atlanta, Georgia 01/07/2012 8 Sneak Attack Busnelli Angelo Arcore (MI) - 3ª SLC 2012 30/06/2012 2 of 15 Sneak Show Rodrigo Togores Mi Tesoro Liga Legacy Torneo 4º 30/06/2012 4 of 23 Sneak Show Jacopo Nesi Prato (IT) - Waiting for LUL II 29/06/2012 2 of 14 Sneak Show Niccolò Melani Prato (IT) - Waiting for LUL II 29/06/2012 4 of 14 Pensavo di sculare di più con questo legno di mazzo! Alessandro Magrini Prato (IT) - Waiting for LUL II 29/06/2012 6 of 14 Sneak Show Stefano Mannozzi Prato (IT) - Waiting for LUL II 29/06/2012 7 of 14 First Prev Page 38 of 48 Next Last
Most played cards in Sneak Attack: 1415 Decks Show and Tell 5614 copies - 3.97 average Force of Will 5567 copies - 3.93 average Brainstorm 5562 copies - 3.93 average Ponder 5454 copies - 3.85 average Sneak Attack 5361 copies - 3.79 average Emrakul, the Aeons Torn 5305 copies - 3.75 average Scalding Tarn 5301 copies - 3.75 average Lotus Petal 5064 copies - 3.58 average Griselbrand 4496 copies - 3.18 average Ancient Tomb 4435 copies - 3.13 average Volcanic Island 4305 copies - 3.04 average Spell Pierce 3510 copies - 2.48 average Blood Moon 2655 copies - 1.88 average City of Traitors 2358 copies - 1.67 average Misty Rainforest 1829 copies - 1.29 average Pyroclasm 1795 copies - 1.27 average Intuition 1790 copies - 1.27 average Flooded Strand 1549 copies - 1.09 average Preordain 1544 copies - 1.09 average Through the Breach 1456 copies - 1.03 average