Stasis Premodern decks

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Stasis Nicholas DiJohn Premodern @ The Portal, Bethlehem PA 24/04/2021 1 of 20
Stasis Enrich Fort Chon Chorra Premoderna 1 - Barcelona 24/04/2021 5 of 6
Turbo Stasis Jose Manuel (el Profe) Diez Technoliga Valenciana de Premodern ( Jugada Maestra) 17/04/2021 4 of 12
Chimo Bayo Jose Tirado III Liga Madrileña de Premodern - 6 jornada 10/04/2021 4 of 36
Turbo stasis Jose Manuel (el Profe) Diez Technoliga valenciana de premodern “isla de las tentaciones” 03/04/2021 2 of 10
Root Stazis Hugo De Jong Dutch Premodern Monthly - March 31/03/2021 3 of 29
Stasis Iñaki Puigdollers Premodern Online Monthly (March 2021) 31/03/2021 5 of 142
Stasis Nicholus Llanos MTG PH Premodern 3rd Tournament 28/02/2021 9 of 12
God´s Work Dustin Ransom 2021 PreModern Winter Blast 20/02/2021 15 of 42
Stasis Santiago Guzman III Liga Madrileña de Premodern - 3 jornada 23/01/2021 5 of 17
Stasis Pablo Marcos The Mythic Society - Weekly Premodern 15/01/2021 4 of 11
Stasis Tim Pollard The Mythic Society - Weekly Premodern 25/12/2020 2 of 11
Stasis Brian Durkin Premodern Online Monthly (November 2020) 30/11/2020 2 of 95
Stasis Ryan Grodzinski Premodern Online Monthly (November 2020) 30/11/2020 16 of 95
Stasis Santiago Guzman III Liga Madrileña de Premodern - 2 jornada 28/11/2020 2 of 20
Stasis Tony Fransway Premodern Fall Brawl 2020 25/10/2020 9 of 64
Stasis JM El Profe Liga Albaceteña Premodern I - Torneo 2 17/10/2020 2 of 18
Le hacía ilusión subir su mazo Jose Manuel “el Profe” Diez Technoliga Valenciana de Premodern “Pedazo Puente” 10/10/2020 16 of 16
Stasis Santiago Guzman III Liga Madrileña de Premodern - 1 jornada 10/10/2020 4 of 22
Stasis Tom Metelsky The Mythic Society - Weekly Premodern 11/09/2020 1 of 11
Stasis Justen Dutch Premodern Guild Online Monthly - September 2020 01/09/2020 6 of 21
Statis Selene Bergers Dutch Premodern Guild Online Monthly - July 2020 31/07/2020 5 of 17
Stasis Jorge Rodríguez DoctorOcio Zaragoza I 18/07/2020 4 of 12
Stasis José Miguel Flores (NMSX) Premodern MTGO IV 15/07/2020 4 of 9
Stasis Igor Bidaurrazaga II Liga Madrileña de Premodern - Jornada Especial 11/07/2020 6 of 32
Stasis Ron Taylor Premodern Online Monthly (May 2020) 31/05/2020 5 of 98
Stasis Ron Taylor Premodern Online Monthly (January) 31/01/2020 8 of 28
Stasis Padrino 1er Torneo Premodern Chile (Carl´s) 04/01/2020 3 of 19
Stasis Ryan Grodzinski Premodern Online Monthly (August) 31/08/2019 1 of 26
Stasis Ron Taylor Premodern Online Monthly (August) 31/08/2019 8 of 26

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Most played cards in Stasis:

335 Decks
1314 copies - 3.92 average
Forsaken City
1288 copies - 3.84 average
1287 copies - 3.84 average
Chain of Vapor
1264 copies - 3.77 average
1235 copies - 3.69 average
Black Vise
1140 copies - 3.4 average
1062 copies - 3.17 average
Arcane Denial
990 copies - 2.96 average
957 copies - 2.86 average
792 copies - 2.36 average
697 copies - 2.08 average
633 copies - 1.89 average
Blue Elemental Blast
459 copies - 1.37 average
452 copies - 1.35 average
Cursed Totem
441 copies - 1.32 average
406 copies - 1.21 average
Mana Short
331 copies - 0.99 average
Tormod's Crypt
302 copies - 0.9 average
276 copies - 0.82 average
Powder Keg
229 copies - 0.68 average