Team América Legacy Archive decks First Prev Page 17 of 65 Next Last # Deck Name Player Event Date Position BUG Delver Jacob Goddick Hans BoM Madrid - Legacy Main Event 29/02/2016 2 of 136 BUG Delver Christian Weiss Deck, Worscht & Woi - Legacy in Mainz 28/02/2016 2 of 35 Gurmag Galaxy Express 999 Manuel Drudi Bondeno - FML#2 28/02/2016 6 of 25 Team America Pedro Silva 12nd Gárgula League Final Top 28/02/2016 3 of 8 Sultai Delver Rj Fischer Legacy Open - Philadelphia, PA 27/02/2016 30 of 755 Team America Alejandro Álvarez II Torneo Ligacy 2016 27/02/2016 8 of 16 Sultai Delver Matt Guido SCG Classic - Louisville, KY 21/02/2016 8 of 93 UBG Aggro Shinohara Gen Known Magicians Clan 55th 21/02/2016 5 of 83 UBG Aggro Wakabayashi Taichi Known Magicians Clan 55th 21/02/2016 7 of 83 BUG Mosquito Bruno Correa LegacyRS - Step 01/12 - [NerdZ Store] Porto Alegre|RS|Brazil 21/02/2016 8 of 38 BUG Delver Oscar Mesegué LCL 2016 - #2 Ingenio 20/02/2016 4 of 77 BUG Delver Carles Mesegué LCL 2016 - #2 Ingenio 20/02/2016 7 of 77 Team America Fabio Di Pasquale Bologna - WLL Wooded Legacy League #10 10/02/2016 1 of 14 Team America Ermanno Aris Ubersetto MO - Legacy 08/02/2016 1 of 16 Team America Sauro Neri Ubersetto MO - Legacy 08/02/2016 4 of 16 Team America Mattia Pacino WL #4 - Savona 07/02/2016 4 of 32 BUG Delver Andrea Anselmi Roma - Lega TrollLegacy#5 07/02/2016 5 BUG Tempo Lombardi Stefano Camunia Ludica - #1 Tappa - Brescia 07/02/2016 5 of 22 Team America Miguel Angel Dapía Silva 1º Jornada Liga Legacy Evolution Ourense 06/02/2016 2 of 15 Team America Alejandro Álvarez 1º Jornada Liga Legacy Evolution Ourense 06/02/2016 5 of 15 Sultai Delver Peter Ingram SCG Classic - Columbus, OH 31/01/2016 8 of 98 Team America Filippo Oppi Bondeno - FML#1 31/01/2016 7 of 34 BUG Delver Milan Ježek Czech Legacy Series #1 30/01/2016 1 of 44 BUG Delver Eduard Grizmann Heldenschmiede Kempten 30/01/2016 2 of 12 BUG Delver Hove Thießen Eternal Clash - Flensburg 30/01/2016 4 of 78 Team America Xacobe Bermúdez LIL 3x01 30/01/2016 4 of 29 BUG Delver Claudio Borgioli TheOracle Fucecchio - VSM #3 29/01/2016 3 of 18 BUG Delver Gianluca Cudia TheOracle Fucecchio - VSM #3 29/01/2016 4 of 18 BUG Aggro / Midrange Micha Knecht Win A Dual Open 16 Tuebingen 24/01/2016 7 of 54 Team America Stefano Lombardi Roè Volciano - Olympus#3 24/01/2016 6 of 65 First Prev Page 17 of 65 Next Last
Most played cards in Team América: 1936 Decks Brainstorm 7645 copies - 3.95 average Wasteland 7491 copies - 3.87 average Force of Will 7375 copies - 3.81 average Tarmogoyf 6951 copies - 3.59 average Underground Sea 6943 copies - 3.59 average Daze 6928 copies - 3.58 average Ponder 6453 copies - 3.33 average Polluted Delta 6206 copies - 3.21 average Delver of Secrets 6109 copies - 3.16 average Deathrite Shaman 5897 copies - 3.05 average Abrupt Decay 5725 copies - 2.96 average Hymn to Tourach 4820 copies - 2.49 average Misty Rainforest 4777 copies - 2.47 average Verdant Catacombs 4403 copies - 2.27 average Tropical Island 3369 copies - 1.74 average Thoughtseize 3116 copies - 1.61 average Bayou 2811 copies - 1.45 average Spell Pierce 2785 copies - 1.44 average Stifle 2179 copies - 1.13 average Liliana of the Veil 2060 copies - 1.06 average