Threshold Premodern decks

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Deck Name





4c Threshold Pavel Češka Czech Premodern Championship 2023 20/05/2023 13 of 112
Threshold Kevin Marques 1° Copa Ushuaia 23/04/2023 3 of 10
Threshgeddon Joakim Grahn Premodern Easter Championship 2023 08/04/2023 8 of 38
Bant Threshold Mario Lopes Vault of Cards Weekly #4 15/02/2023 2 of 6
UGw Threshold Bruno Mastrantonio Vault of Cards Weekly #2 18/01/2023 2 of 9
Threshgeddon Nicolas Rupcic Chile Premier League - December 2022 31/12/2022 14 of 32
Bant Threshold Gabriel Orsélli Liga Paulista de Premodern - Season 2 - Etapa 4 15/10/2022 8 of 15
GW Threshold GP Argentog - Foratog Edition(#8) 11/10/2022 7 of 29
Threshold Aitor Cabezas Technoliga Valenciana de Premodern (la guardia del cremaet) 03/09/2022 4 of 8
RUG Threshold Ariston Go Premodern Online Monthly (August 2022) 30/08/2022 14 of 99
Techno Threshole Aitor Cabezas Technoliga Valenciana de Premodern (Breaking Bad) 27/08/2022 1 of 8
GW Treshold GP Magic Lair Premodern Argentina 27/08/2022 1 of 10
GW Threshold Eisen Maminta Premodern PH Pod 21 28/07/2022 4 of 14
Rg threshole davi figuerola Javier Orts Technoliga valenciana de premodern (ni más ni menos) 23/07/2022 4 of 8
Bant Threshold Hagebutte MoxForge League June 22 30/06/2022 9 of 10
GW Threshold PileDriVver Liga Premodern Alicante 2022 11ª Jornada 11/06/2022 4 of 10
Gruul Aggro Ruudmaarten The Magic Online Society - June Semimonthly #1 11/06/2022 4 of 25
GW Threshold PileDriVver Terretaesfera (Cañas y Barro) 1º edición 29/05/2022 3 of 4
GW Threshold Antonio Villa IV Liga Madrileña de Premodern - 9 jornada 28/05/2022 7 of 30
Threshold Pavel Češka Víkendový Premodern v Najádě vol.3 22/05/2022 7 of 15
Bant Threshold Nate Gates North American Premodern Championship 13/05/2022 11 of 111
Somewhere over the threshold, way up high Miguel Espi 2º liga PNG premodern 8 Jornada Grupo 1 07/05/2022 6 of 13
GW Threshold Markkos 2º liga PNG premodern 8 Jornada Grupo 1 07/05/2022 10 of 13
UGW Threshold Micky Gasco 2º liga PNG premodern 8º Jornada Grupo 2 07/05/2022 12 of 13
Threshold Phil Taylor Premodern Philippines Pod 18 17/04/2022 3 of 18
Thresgeddon Pablo Marcos The Magic Online Society - April Semimonthly #2 05/04/2022 3 of 26
Bant Threshold André H. MoxForge League April 22 31/03/2022 9 of 10
GW Threshold PileDriVver Hispanoesfera 10ª Ed (Marzo ´22) 31/03/2022 1 of 36
RG Threshold David Figuerola Hispanoesfera 10ª Ed (Marzo ´22) 31/03/2022 2 of 36
GW Threshold Abel Betancur Open PreModern Misstrigger MTG 26/03/2022 4 of 10

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Most played cards in Threshold:

101 Decks
365 copies - 3.61 average
Nimble Mongoose
362 copies - 3.58 average
Swords to Plowshares
330 copies - 3.27 average
258 copies - 2.55 average
Windswept Heath
203 copies - 2.01 average
Flooded Strand
202 copies - 2 average
Mental Note
194 copies - 1.92 average
Yavimaya Coast
187 copies - 1.85 average
Mystic Enforcer
181 copies - 1.79 average
Mana Leak
175 copies - 1.73 average
Tormod's Crypt
157 copies - 1.55 average
Meddling Mage
153 copies - 1.51 average
150 copies - 1.49 average
147 copies - 1.46 average
146 copies - 1.45 average
Mox Diamond
142 copies - 1.41 average
Accumulated Knowledge
124 copies - 1.23 average
Call of the Herd
120 copies - 1.19 average
Urza's Bauble
112 copies - 1.11 average
109 copies - 1.08 average