UW Midrange Premodern decks

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Deck Name





UW Midrange Emmanel Cianfanelli Sociedad Premodern CR (12ED: 1er Aniversario - PreModern Horizons 3) 22/06/2024 3 of 16
UW Tempo Albertolor 2024 CPS Showdown June #1 09/06/2024 4 of 16
UW Midrange Torsten Cordes Monthly Swiss #9 @ Faraos Cigarer 09/06/2024 4 of 16
Flippi Pile Brad Hanley Premodern Online Monthly (May 2024) 31/05/2024 15 of 74
UW Midrange Ricardo Guerra Hispanoesfera 33 ED (Mayo ´24) 31/05/2024 4 of 78
UW Tempo Albertolor The Magic Online Society - May League #2 26/05/2024 2 of 88
UW Midrange Emmanuel Cianfanelli Sociedad Premodern CR (11ED: FBB) 25/05/2024 5 of 10
uw midrange Matteo Toffoletto Premodern & Friends Second Edition 12/05/2024 9 of 12
UW Midrange Sven Adelmann 23rd Premodern Tournament at Ultra Comix Nuremberg (Germany) 11/05/2024 1 of 16
UW Midrange Mario Espinosa Liga Premodern Alicante 2024 9ª Jornada 04/05/2024 7 of 28
UW Tempo Albertolor 2024 CPS Showdown April #1 28/04/2024 3 of 16
UW Midrange Max Schönberger 22nd Premodern Tournament at Ultra Comix Nuremberg (Germany) 13/04/2024 6 of 11
Uw Alberto Albertolor Hispanoesfera 31 ED (Marzo ´24) 31/03/2024 7 of 48
UW Flippi McLean Denny Premodern Online Monthly (March 2024) 31/03/2024 8 of 73
Flippi Pile Flippi Boehm Premodern Online Monthly (February 2024) 29/02/2024 5 of 81
UW Tempo Albertolor Hispanoesfera 30 ED (Febrero ´24) 29/02/2024 1 of 48
Temporary Solution Rain 2024 CPS Showdown February #1 15/02/2024 5 of 16
UW Midrange Max Schönberger 19th Premodern Tournament at Ultra Comix Nuremberg (Germany) 20/01/2024 1 of 15
UW Flippi Flippi Boehm 18th Premodern Tournament at Ultra Comix Nuremberg (Germany) 02/12/2023 2 of 15
UW Tempo Albertolor Hispanoesfera 28 ED (Noviembre ´23) 30/11/2023 5 of 50
WW UW Tempor Albertolor The Magic Online Society - November League #2 26/11/2023 2 of 70

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Most played cards in UW Midrange :

51 Decks
Meddling Mage
4 copies - 0.08 average
Flooded Strand
4 copies - 0.08 average
Mishra's Factory
4 copies - 0.08 average
Adarkar Wastes
4 copies - 0.08 average
Exalted Angel
4 copies - 0.08 average
Swords to Plowshares
4 copies - 0.08 average
3 copies - 0.06 average
3 copies - 0.06 average
Memory Lapse
3 copies - 0.06 average
Mother of Runes
3 copies - 0.06 average
Silver Knight
3 copies - 0.06 average
3 copies - 0.06 average
3 copies - 0.06 average
Cursed Totem
2 copies - 0.04 average
2 copies - 0.04 average
2 copies - 0.04 average
Mana Leak
2 copies - 0.04 average
Wrath of God
2 copies - 0.04 average
Sacred Ground
2 copies - 0.04 average
Weathered Wayfarer
2 copies - 0.04 average