White Weenie Premodern decks

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Deck Name





UW Tempo Birds Carlos Pielago VI Liga Madrileña de Premodern - 2 Jornada 14/10/2023 12 of 51
Tempostill German Polyakov SPb Lampovy Premodern 03.10.2023 03/10/2023 8 of 13
5c Weenies Jacob Poulsen Premodern European Championship 2023 30/09/2023 2 of 185
UW Tempo Birds Marvin Karis Premodern European Championship 2023 30/09/2023 4 of 185
WhiteWiGreen Román GSG Liga Premodern Alicante 2023 20ª Jornada 30/09/2023 3 of 19
UWeenie Laycromanced Moxforge League September 2023 30/09/2023 2 of 20
White Weenie True Weeniever LCOS Premodern - Septiembre 2023 03/09/2023 6 of 30
White Weenie Infinito De Cordoba LCOS Premodern - Agosto 2023 06/08/2023 7 of 20
White Winnie Sebastián Requens OrthodoxCon 22/07/2023 4 of 18
Wub Cleric Weenie Gabriel Farkas Premodern at The Gathering Place 16/07/2023 3 of 6
Weenies Incidneous LCOS Premodern - Julio 2023 09/07/2023 3 of 22
UW Tempo Laycromanced Moxforge League June 2023 30/06/2023 3 of 20
The Way Mário Dias Clube TopDeck 63 13/06/2023 1 of 18
White Weenie Pablo Vera Open La Forja de Stone 10/06/2023 2 of 12
UWeenie Phil Tsknts Moxforge League May 2023 31/05/2023 8 of 16
White Winnie Guillermo Glaser Open Premodern Tienda Misstrigger NEUQUEN argentina 20/05/2023 3 of 10
White Winnie Patricio Mendoza Condorito Series I 13/05/2023 8 of 24
White Weenie Mário Dias Clube TopDeck 57 02/05/2023 4 of 12
UWeenie Phil Tsknts Moxforge League April 2023 30/04/2023 2 of 16
White Weenie Phlow Moxforge League April 2023 30/04/2023 11 of 16
Wub Weenie Gabriel Farkas Spring Fling 2023 30/04/2023 14 of 109
WU Midrange Álvaro Galindo Chile Premier League - April 2023 30/04/2023 8 of 36
White Weenie Ignacio Ibarra 1° Copa Ushuaia 23/04/2023 6 of 10
UW Weenie Guillermo Glaser Open Premodern 15/04/2023 7 of 10
White Weenie Mário Dias Clube TopDeck 54 11/04/2023 1 of 12
Death and Taxes Autompne Premodern at Finch & Sparrow Games 10/04/2023 5 of 7
Mono Wu Midrange Alvaro Galindo Beard Brother Open - March 23 08/04/2023 2 of 19
Humans Andoni Perez Premodern DZ Bilbao 2023 - March Tournament 26/03/2023 7 of 16
W/U winnie Guillermo Glasser Premodern Misstrigger Neuquen 25/03/2023 2 of 10
White Weenie Ignacio Ibarra Argentog - FtogNM 23/03/2023 5 of 8

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Most played cards in White Weenie:

192 Decks
Swords to Plowshares
730 copies - 3.8 average
Mother of Runes
656 copies - 3.42 average
Silver Knight
517 copies - 2.69 average
Savannah Lions
503 copies - 2.62 average
435 copies - 2.27 average
Soltari Priest
411 copies - 2.14 average
323 copies - 1.68 average
302 copies - 1.57 average
Meddling Mage
298 copies - 1.55 average
Exalted Angel
295 copies - 1.54 average
Tormod's Crypt
290 copies - 1.51 average
Flooded Strand
273 copies - 1.42 average
Seal of Cleansing
265 copies - 1.38 average
Enlightened Tutor
220 copies - 1.15 average
True Believer
206 copies - 1.07 average
Adarkar Wastes
203 copies - 1.06 average
Soltari Monk
192 copies - 1 average
181 copies - 0.94 average
165 copies - 0.86 average
Ramosian Sergeant
161 copies - 0.84 average