landstill Premodern decks First Prev Page 11 of 27 Next Last # Deck Name Player Event Date Position Padve Still Oleg Evseev Moscow Summer Bloom 2023 29/07/2023 5 of 34 Landstill Dre Sanchez Southern California Premodern Monthly #4 22/07/2023 4 of 26 Landstill Luke Tooker Southern California Premodern Monthly #4 22/07/2023 10 of 26 Landstill Leonardo Calonico Magic Lair (Argentina) 22/07/2023 6 of 16 Landstill Andrasin The Magic Online Society - Interim Champion of Champions Tournament 21/07/2023 2 of 3 Standstill Sergio Ravira Mensual Malagueño Julio 16/07/2023 3 of 11 Standstill Alvaro BC Mensual Malagueño Julio 16/07/2023 7 of 11 Landstill Honza Lamper Víkendový Premodern v Najádě 16/07/2023 3 of 25 UW Landstill Aritz Lopategi Premodern DZ Bilbao 2023 - July Tournament 16/07/2023 3 of 11 Landstill Marc Sanz Ghigo Premodern Summer Evening @ El Nucli (Barcelona) 15/07/2023 2 of 19 Landstill Rubén Ferrer Liga Premodern Alicante 2022 14ª Jornada 08/07/2023 5 of 22 UW Landstill Francisco Pawluszek 2nd Annual Midwest Championship @ Misty Mountain Games 01/07/2023 8 of 57 Landstill Alfonso Zarzoso Technoliga Valenciana de Premodern (¡¡¿CAGA EL PAPA?!!)) 01/07/2023 1 of 7 Landstill Paco Benlloch Technoliga Valenciana de Premodern (¡¡¿CAGA EL PAPA?!!)) 01/07/2023 3 of 7 Landstill with Dismantling Blow Jay McCowan Premodern Online Monthly (June 2023) 30/06/2023 8 of 89 Landstill GosuCharlie The Magic Online Society - Season 7 Championships 27/06/2023 8 of 8 Landstill Jaistutor78 The Magic Online Society - June Semimonthly Playoffs #2 27/06/2023 8 of 16 Landstill Lin Ruizi Singapore Premodern Society Monthly June 23 25/06/2023 3 of 10 Landstill Pere Lloret Liga Premodern Alicante 2022 13ª Jornada 24/06/2023 3 of 16 UW Landstill Jose Manuel Borquez Not Open Premodern 24/06/2023 1 of 34 Landstill Antonio Padial I Open Málaga Premodern 18/06/2023 5 of 19 Landstill Sergio Ravira I Open Málaga Premodern 18/06/2023 7 of 19 Landstill Paco Benlloch Technoliga Valenciana de Premodern (Ramonxu Unchained) 17/06/2023 1 of 16 UW Landstill Vladimir Padve Saint-Petersburg Premodern Open 2023 17/06/2023 1 of 32 UW Landstill Mesheriakov Maxim Saint-Petersburg Premodern Open 2023 17/06/2023 6 of 32 Landstill Remi Ouellette Premodern Montreal Monthly 15/06/2023 1 of 9 Landstill (3-1) Vladimir Padve SPb Lampovy Premodern 13.06.2023 13/06/2023 2 of 12 Landstill (3-1) German Polyakov SPb Lampovy Premodern 13.06.2023 13/06/2023 3 of 12 UW Landstill Tashizm The Magic Online Society - June 2023 Semimonthly #1 11/06/2023 8 of 43 Landstill GosuCharlie The Magic Online Society - June Semimonthly Playoffs #1 11/06/2023 4 of 16 First Prev Page 11 of 27 Next Last
Most played cards in landstill: 784 Decks Mishra's Factory 3024 copies - 3.86 average Counterspell 2986 copies - 3.81 average Swords to Plowshares 2966 copies - 3.78 average Flooded Strand 2907 copies - 3.71 average Standstill 2903 copies - 3.7 average Adarkar Wastes 2873 copies - 3.66 average Impulse 2738 copies - 3.49 average Mana Leak 2625 copies - 3.35 average Decree of Justice 2229 copies - 2.84 average Wrath of God 2219 copies - 2.83 average Fact or Fiction 2122 copies - 2.71 average Annul 1456 copies - 1.86 average Faerie Conclave 1284 copies - 1.64 average Disenchant 1255 copies - 1.6 average Dust Bowl 1186 copies - 1.51 average Hydroblast 1132 copies - 1.44 average Coastal Tower 1106 copies - 1.41 average Circle of Protection: Red 1084 copies - 1.38 average Blue Elemental Blast 1059 copies - 1.35 average Seal of Cleansing 995 copies - 1.27 average