landstill Premodern decks

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Deck Name





UW Landstill Marco León Chile Premier League - April 2023 30/04/2023 5 of 36
Techno landstill Paco Benlloch Technoliga Valenciana de Premodern (Consentimiento Informado) 29/04/2023 2 of 13
Landstill José Manuel Borquez CAMPEONATO NACIONAL PREMODERN CHILE 2023 29/04/2023 1 of 27
Monoblue Standstill Rodrigo Leal Conflux Games PreModern 26/04/2023 1 of 8
UW StandStill Rodrigo Serrano Conflux Games PreModern 26/04/2023 4 of 8
Landstill Mesheriakov Maxim Spring Event 23/04/2023 2 of 30
Landstill Vladimir Padve Spring Event 23/04/2023 3 of 30
Landstill Martin Dominguez Magic Lair Premodern Argentina 22/04/2023 7 of 27
U/W Landstill Patricio Duarte Clube TopDeck 55 19/04/2023 3 of 12
Landstill Martin Dominguez Magic Lair Premodern Argentina 15/04/2023 8 of 34
White Still Pablo D Piscia Open Premodern 15/04/2023 8 of 10
Techno Parallax Landstill Pablo Cubedo Technoliga Valenciana de Premodern (Filial Foil Japonesa) 15/04/2023 1 of 7
Landstill Sergio Ravira Mensual Malagueño Abril 09/04/2023 2 of 20
Landstill Antonio Padial Mensual Malagueño Abril 09/04/2023 8 of 20
Techno Parallax Landstill Pablo Cubedo Technoliga Valenciana de Premodern (Cassalla i avant) 08/04/2023 1 of 16
UW Landstill Endika Martínez Premodern DZ Bilbao 2023 - April Tournament 08/04/2023 2 of 12
Crimes Against Old Border Theo Andresier PLADS 23-MESTERSKAB II 02/04/2023 5 of 18
Landstill Juan Carlos Membrilla The Magic Online Society - April 2023 Semimonthly #1 01/04/2023 2 of 61
UW Landstill Jouni Sovela Team Kettu Finnish Premodern Nationals Trial Tampere 01/04/2023 5 of 20
Landstill Gonzalo Spampinato Magic Lair Premodern Argentina 01/04/2023 4 of 29
Landstill JpAlmeida The Magic Online Society - March Semimonthly Playoffs #2 31/03/2023 4 of 16
UW Landstill Endika Martínez Premodern DZ Bilbao 2023 - March Tournament 26/03/2023 5 of 16
UW Landstill Fran Cabanillas V Liga Madrileña de Premodern - 7 Jornada Open 25/03/2023 15 of 57
Landstill JorgeTempest PNG Anual Tournament (Info by MTGDecks) 22/03/2023 8 of 53
UW Landstill Martin Dominguez Conflux Premodern Open Argentina 19/03/2023 8 of 32
Landstill Rubén Ferrer Liga Premodern Alicante 2023 6ª Jornada 18/03/2023 2 of 18
UW Landstill Periquito Aburrido LCOS Premodern - Marzo 2023 12/03/2023 3 of 35
UW Stonebladeless Montosha LCOS Premodern - Marzo 2023 12/03/2023 4 of 35
Landstill Vladislav Kiška Víkendový Premodern v Najádě 05/03/2023 2 of 21
Landstill Adrian Garcia Magic Lair Premodern Argentina 04/03/2023 3 of 32

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Most played cards in landstill:

784 Decks
Mishra's Factory
3024 copies - 3.86 average
2986 copies - 3.81 average
Swords to Plowshares
2966 copies - 3.78 average
Flooded Strand
2907 copies - 3.71 average
2903 copies - 3.7 average
Adarkar Wastes
2873 copies - 3.66 average
2738 copies - 3.49 average
Mana Leak
2625 copies - 3.35 average
Decree of Justice
2229 copies - 2.84 average
Wrath of God
2219 copies - 2.83 average
Fact or Fiction
2122 copies - 2.71 average
1456 copies - 1.86 average
Faerie Conclave
1284 copies - 1.64 average
1255 copies - 1.6 average
Dust Bowl
1186 copies - 1.51 average
1132 copies - 1.44 average
Coastal Tower
1106 copies - 1.41 average
Circle of Protection: Red
1084 copies - 1.38 average
Blue Elemental Blast
1059 copies - 1.35 average
Seal of Cleansing
995 copies - 1.27 average