landstill Premodern decks

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Deck Name





UW Landstill Nils Håkon Delphin Premodern Online Monthly (May 2021) 31/05/2021 2 of 131
Landstill BoBoFraggles The Magic Online Society - May Monthly 29/05/2021 2 of 17
UW Standstill Tomeu Domenge 2na Jornada Lliga Premodern de Kuroneko 26/05/2021 1 of 9
UR Standstill Juan Sebastia Parera 2na Jornada Lliga Premodern de Kuroneko 26/05/2021 4 of 9
Landstill Jason Murray The Mythic Society - Weekly Premodern 25/05/2021 1 of 9
Landstill Alvaro 2º Torneo Apertura Pre-Liga Alicantina Premodern 22/05/2021 1 of 5
UW Landstill Rodrigo Sousa 5º Weekly Premodern Gauntlet - Brazil 19/05/2021 4 of 7
Landstill Jason Murray The Mythic Society - Weekly Premodern 17/05/2021 4 of 9
UW Landstill Albert Domenech 1er Icarus Jocs 16/05/2021 11 of 13
Landstill Ismael Garzon Technoliga Valenciana de Premodern (Covid Free) 15/05/2021 3 of 14
Landstill Fernando Yanguas SuperPremodern Zaragoza 15/05/2021 2 of 11
UR standstill Juan Sebastia Parera 1ra Jornada Lliga Premodern de Kuroneko 11/05/2021 2 of 9
UW standstill Grupo 3 Tomeu Domenge 1ra Jornada Lliga Premodern de Kuroneko 11/05/2021 3 of 9
Landstill Juan Vilar Technoliga Valenciana de Premodern (Dieta Mediterránea día 2) 09/05/2021 3 of 7
Techno Landstill Juan Vilar Technoliga valenciana de premodern (Dieta mediterránea día 1) 08/05/2021 1 of 7
Landstill Luca Lari Versilian Premodern Invitational Tournament V 06/05/2021 1 of 6
UW Landstill Remi Ouellette BeardBrother Open April 30/04/2021 1 of 31
UW Landstill Peter Eberhardt BeardBrother Open April 30/04/2021 11 of 31
UW Landstill Mark Bakker Dutch Premodern Monthly - April 30/04/2021 1 of 27
ZombieStill Phil Nguyen Premodern Spring Fling 2021 25/04/2021 7 of 109
Landstill Nils Håkon Delphin Premodern Spring Fling 2021 25/04/2021 16 of 109
UW Landstill Eduard Castro Chon Chorra Premoderna 1 - Barcelona 24/04/2021 1 of 6
Landstill Jason Murray The Mythic Society - Weekly Premodern 19/04/2021 4 of 11
UW Landstill Rafael Alvarenga 1st Weekly Premodern Gauntlet - Brazil 13/04/2021 3 of 5
Landstill Jason Murray The Mythic Society - Weekly Premodern 12/04/2021 1 of 12
Landstill Zach Dubin The Mythic Society - Weekly Premodern 12/04/2021 2 of 12
UWB Landstill Gio Igoy Premodern Philippines Pod 16 12/04/2021 3 of 18
Standstill Pchelkin Andrey Moscow Premodern Tournament "Rites of Spring" 11/04/2021 4 of 47
UW Landstill Vladimir Padve Moscow Premodern Tournament "Rites of Spring" 11/04/2021 5 of 47
Landstill Guillem Salvador Technoliga Valenciana de Premodern “MEGANE” 10/04/2021 2 of 8

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Most played cards in landstill:

784 Decks
Mishra's Factory
3020 copies - 3.85 average
2982 copies - 3.8 average
Swords to Plowshares
2962 copies - 3.78 average
Flooded Strand
2903 copies - 3.7 average
2899 copies - 3.7 average
Adarkar Wastes
2869 copies - 3.66 average
2734 copies - 3.49 average
Mana Leak
2622 copies - 3.34 average
Decree of Justice
2226 copies - 2.84 average
Wrath of God
2216 copies - 2.83 average
Fact or Fiction
2119 copies - 2.7 average
1454 copies - 1.85 average
Faerie Conclave
1282 copies - 1.64 average
1253 copies - 1.6 average
Dust Bowl
1184 copies - 1.51 average
1128 copies - 1.44 average
Coastal Tower
1105 copies - 1.41 average
Circle of Protection: Red
1083 copies - 1.38 average
Blue Elemental Blast
1057 copies - 1.35 average
Seal of Cleansing
994 copies - 1.27 average