landstill Premodern decks

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Control Stefania Tomasich FNM Bazaar of Baghdad (Argentina) 31/05/2024 3 of 16
UW Landstill Stefania Tomasich Chile Premier League - May 2024 31/05/2024 4 of 55
UW Landstill Alejandro Riesgo Chile Premier League - May 2024 31/05/2024 5 of 55
UW Landstill Eduardo Roland Chile Premier League - May 2024 31/05/2024 13 of 55
Landstill Stefania Tomasich Open Patrio - Bazaar of Bahgdad 26/05/2024 13 of 47
Landstill Eduardo Roland Magic Lair (Argentina) 25/05/2024 3 of 23
UW Landstill Walter Ramirez Sociedad Premodern CR (11ED: FBB) 25/05/2024 1 of 10
Landstill Stefania Tomasich FNM Bazaar of Baghdad (Argentina) 24/05/2024 6 of 19
Landstill Tom Metelsky The Magic Online Society - Season 11 Championships 23/05/2024 5 of 8
landstill Vasile Beruica Premodern & Friends Fnm 18/05/2024 2 of 10
Landstill Christian Technoliga Valenciana de Premodern (Esta gamba no se toca) 18/05/2024 6 of 18
Landstill Fernando Gonzalez FNM Bazaar of Baghdad (Argentina) 17/05/2024 1 of 15
Cansinestill Pablo Suarez Technomonstrual Premodern Valencia (Opportunity) 12/05/2024 2 of 10
Landstill Rafael Retamal IV Torneo Premodern Extremadura (Badajoz) 11/05/2024 7 of 11
Cansinestill Carlos Voldi Technoliga Valenciana de Premodern (El Gran Tocino) 11/05/2024 4 of 12
Landstill Fernando Gonzalez FNM Bazaar of Baghdad (Argentina) 10/05/2024 2 of 17
Landstill Alejandro Riesgo FNM Bazaar of Baghdad (Argentina) 10/05/2024 4 of 17
Landstill Jesus Vicente Sanchez Liga Premodern Alicante 2024 9ª Jornada 04/05/2024 5 of 28
Landstill Josef Vlach Czech Premodern 04/05/2024 16 of 136
LadeSiempreStill Paco Benlloch Technoliga Valenciana de Premodern ("Ali-ttle Ibabars y los 40 ladrones") 04/05/2024 4 of 16
Landstill Joshua Goldman Southern California Premodern Monthly #14 (Knight Ware) 28/04/2024 2 of 14
TideStill Luke Tooker Southern California Premodern Monthly #14 (Knight Ware) 28/04/2024 12 of 14
Landstill Fernando Gonzalez FNM Bazaar of Baghdad (Argentina) #2 27/04/2024 1 of 12
UW Landstill Endika Martínez Premodern DZ Bilbao 2024 - April Tournament 27/04/2024 1 of 10
UW Standstill Will B Portland Monthly Premodern Paper Magic Afternoons (PMPMPMPM#11) 21/04/2024 4 of 14
Landstill Javier Salguero III Torneo Premodern Extremadura (Mérida) 20/04/2024 7 of 13
Landstill Piotr Orłowski Futurex Gdynia Premodern Monthly 20.04.2024 20/04/2024 3 of 8
Landstill Drew Lesmerises Duress Crew Spring Regional @ Great Stories (Whitinsville, MA) 20/04/2024 1 of 68
Landstill Pere Lloret Liga Premodern Alicante 2024 8ª Jornada 20/04/2024 5 of 25
Frustredstill Paco Benlloch Technoliga Valenciana de Premodern (Bukkake en el Saler) 20/04/2024 2 of 15

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Most played cards in landstill:

793 Decks
Mishra's Factory
3048 copies - 3.84 average
3010 copies - 3.8 average
Swords to Plowshares
2990 copies - 3.77 average
Flooded Strand
2931 copies - 3.7 average
2925 copies - 3.69 average
Adarkar Wastes
2897 copies - 3.65 average
2761 copies - 3.48 average
Mana Leak
2647 copies - 3.34 average
Decree of Justice
2247 copies - 2.83 average
Wrath of God
2235 copies - 2.82 average
Fact or Fiction
2140 copies - 2.7 average
1466 copies - 1.85 average
Faerie Conclave
1291 copies - 1.63 average
1268 copies - 1.6 average
Dust Bowl
1198 copies - 1.51 average
1139 copies - 1.44 average
Coastal Tower
1114 copies - 1.4 average
Circle of Protection: Red
1092 copies - 1.38 average
Blue Elemental Blast
1073 copies - 1.35 average
Seal of Cleansing
1004 copies - 1.27 average