wooop_orc playing Other | Position: 10 | |
Deck Name: Esper Delver | Sideboard | |
Creatures [14]3 Stoneforge Mystic3 True-Name Nemesis 4 Deathrite Shaman 4 Delver of Secrets Instants [19]2 Fatal Push2 Spell Pierce 3 Swords to Plowshares 4 Brainstorm 4 Daze 4 Force of Will | Sorceries [6]2 Thoughtseize4 Ponder Artifacts [2]1 Batterskull1 Umezawa's Jitte Lands [19]1 Tropical Island3 Tundra 3 Underground Sea 4 Misty Rainforest 4 Scalding Tarn 4 Wasteland |
1 Fatal Push
1 Thoughtseize 1 Containment Priest 2 Disenchant 3 Flusterstorm 2 Lingering Souls 2 Surgical Extraction 1 Vendilion Clique 2 Zealous Persecution |
60 Cards | 15 Cards | |
1 Fatal Push
1 Thoughtseize 1 Containment Priest 2 Disenchant 3 Flusterstorm 2 Lingering Souls 2 Surgical Extraction 1 Vendilion Clique 2 Zealous Persecution |
15 Cards |
Archetype |
Player |
Position |
Ad Nauseam Tendrils | draco36 | 1 |
Aggro Loam | Rockman000 | 2 |
4c Control | Tiamas | 3 |
Elves | reiderrabbit | 4 |
Elves | EricSeverson | 5 |
UR Burn | matsubagani | 6 |
Grixis Pyromancer | Ocean0 | 7 |
Team America | phone_microwave | 8 |
Threshold UGR | fredmcfred | 9 |