Martin Periard playing Dredge | Position: 5 | |
Deck Name: Dredge | Sideboard | |
Creatures [32]4 Golgari Grave-Troll4 Golgari Thug 4 Ichorid 4 Narcomoeba 4 Prized Amalgam 4 Putrid Imp 4 Stinkweed Imp 4 Street Wraith | Sorceries [11]3 Breakthrough4 Cabal Therapy 4 Faithless Looting Enchantments [4]4 Bridge from BelowLands [13]2 Gemstone Mine3 Cephalid Coliseum 4 City of Brass 4 Mana Confluence |
1 Blazing Archon
2 Dread Return 1 Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite 2 Faerie Macabre 1 Iona, Shield of Emeria 2 Leyline of Sanctity 2 Pyroblast 2 Serenity 2 Silent Gravestone |
60 Cards | 15 Cards | |
1 Blazing Archon
2 Dread Return 1 Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite 2 Faerie Macabre 1 Iona, Shield of Emeria 2 Leyline of Sanctity 2 Pyroblast 2 Serenity 2 Silent Gravestone |
15 Cards |
Archetype |
Player |
Position |
UBx Shadow | U/b Death | 1 |
Miracles | Christopher Stitson | 2 |
Elves | Adam Wallace | 3 |
The Epic Storm | Anthony Laverde | 4 |
Red Prison | Mick Pratt | 6 |
Reanimator | Cameron Prescott | 7 |
Blade Control | Dustin Droggits | 8 |