Evgen_nah playing Red Prison | Position: 28 | |
Deck Name: Dragon Stompy | Sideboard | |
Creatures [20]1 Hazoret the Fervent1 Pia and Kiran Nalaar 2 Hanweir Garrison 4 Goblin Rabblemaster 4 Legion Warboss 4 Magus of the Moon 4 Simian Spirit Guide Sorceries [2]2 Fiery Confluence | Enchantments [4]4 Blood MoonPlaneswalkers [4]4 Chandra, Torch of DefianceArtifacts [12]2 Lotus Petal2 Trinisphere 4 Chalice of the Void 4 Chrome Mox Lands [18]4 Ancient Tomb4 City of Traitors 10 Mountain |
1 Fiery Confluence
1 Trinisphere 1 Abrade 2 Ensnaring Bridge 1 Grafdigger's Cage 4 Leyline of the Void 3 Scab-Clan Berserker 2 Sulfur Elemental |
60 Cards | 15 Cards | |
1 Fiery Confluence
1 Trinisphere 1 Abrade 2 Ensnaring Bridge 1 Grafdigger's Cage 4 Leyline of the Void 3 Scab-Clan Berserker 2 Sulfur Elemental |
15 Cards |