Javi Rubio playing Pox | Position: 5 | |
Deck Name: Pox | Sideboard | |
Creatures [7]3 Tombstalker4 Bloodghast Instants [8]4 Dark Ritual4 Swords to Plowshares Sorceries [21]2 Damnation3 Vindicate 4 Duress 4 Hymn to Tourach 4 Sinkhole 4 Smallpox | Enchantments [3]3 Phyrexian ArenaLands [21]1 Plains2 Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth 3 Scrubland 4 Marsh Flats 4 Wasteland 7 Swamp |
2 Extirpate
3 Ghastly Demise 3 Orim's Chant 3 Path to Exile 2 Perish 2 Pithing Needle |
60 Cards | 15 Cards | |
2 Extirpate
3 Ghastly Demise 3 Orim's Chant 3 Path to Exile 2 Perish 2 Pithing Needle |
15 Cards |