WhiTe TsaR playing MUD | Position: 1 | |
Deck Name: MUD | Sideboard | |
Creatures [23]1 Lodestone Golem1 Steel Overseer 1 Traxos, Scourge of Kroog 4 Arcbound Ravager 4 Chief of the Foundry 4 Foundry Inspector 4 Phyrexian Revoker 4 Walking Ballista Artifacts [19]1 Black Lotus1 Chalice of the Void 1 Mana Crypt 1 Mox Emerald 1 Mox Jet 1 Mox Pearl 1 Mox Ruby 1 Mox Sapphire 1 Mystic Forge 1 Sol Ring 1 Thorn of Amethyst 1 Trinisphere 3 Fleetwheel Cruiser 4 Sphere of Resistance | Lands [18]1 Strip Mine1 Tolarian Academy 4 Ancient Tomb 4 Mishra's Factory 4 Mishra's Workshop 4 Wasteland |
1 Grafdigger's Cage
4 Leyline of the Void 1 Mental Misstep 2 Pithing Needle 2 Ravenous Trap 2 Skysovereign, Consul Flagship 3 Wurmcoil Engine |
60 Cards | 15 Cards | |
1 Grafdigger's Cage
4 Leyline of the Void 1 Mental Misstep 2 Pithing Needle 2 Ravenous Trap 2 Skysovereign, Consul Flagship 3 Wurmcoil Engine |
15 Cards |
Archetype |
Player |
Position |
Doomsday | discoverN | 2 |
Blue Xerox | Amiracle | 3 |
MUD | twinlesstwin | 4 |
Blue Xerox | wambocMad | 5 |
Oath | _INF_ | 6 |
Dark Depths | yamakiller | 7 |
Planeswalker Control | Kenzaburo | 8 |
MUD | Weenie__ | 9 |
Sultai | Sprouts | 10 |
Hogaak | Kuhb | 11 |
Doomsday | zachattack23 | 12 |
Dredge | PRGJJAR | 13 |
Doomsday | MaxMagicer | 14 |
Planeswalker Control | Dazai | 15 |
Paradoxical | Cioffo86 | 16 |