Chile Premier League - May 2024

Format: Premodern | Number of Players: 55 | Date: 31/05/2024




Parallax Replenish Jorge Wright 1
Madness Luis Ardiles 2
Oath Álvaro Durandal 3
Landstill Stefania Tomasich 4
Landstill Alejandro Riesgo 5
MUD Lucas Minervino 6
Parallax Replenish Matias Bollati 7
Reanimator Mauricio Gatica 8
Mono Black Ignacio Ibarra 9
Burn Fede Lanzi 11
Stiflenought Álvaro Galindo 12
Landstill Eduardo Roland 13
The Rock Juan Loyola 14
The Rock Martin Oviedo 15

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