Andrew Lockhart playing White Weenie | Position: 3 | |
Deck Name: Pink Weenies | Sideboard | |
Creatures [22]2 Lin Sivvi, Defiant Hero2 Weathered Wayfarer 2 Whipcorder 4 Goblin Legionnaire 4 Mother of Runes 4 Savannah Lions 4 Silver Knight Instants [12]2 Disenchant2 Incinerate 4 Lightning Bolt 4 Swords to Plowshares | Enchantments [3]3 CrusadeArtifacts [1]1 Cursed ScrollLands [22]2 Mountain3 Wasteland 4 Battlefield Forge 4 City of Brass 9 Plains |
1 Cursed Scroll
2 Disenchant 2 Abolish 3 Red Elemental Blast 2 True Believer 1 Prismatic Strands 4 White Knight |
60 Cards | 15 Cards | |
1 Cursed Scroll
2 Disenchant 2 Abolish 3 Red Elemental Blast 2 True Believer 1 Prismatic Strands 4 White Knight |
15 Cards |
Archetype |
Player |
Position |
Oath | Alec Baker | 1 |
Aluren | MagicMarshall | 2 |
Draco Blast | David Crosse | 4 |
Stasis | Duck | 5 |
Astral Slide | Dawson | 6 |
Storm | John Bissel | 7 |
Madness | Itsjustquinn | 8 |