Mauricio Zonni playing Ponza | Position: 1 | |
Deck Name: Dwarven Ponza | Sideboard | |
Creatures [15]2 Shard Phoenix3 Avalanche Riders 3 Dwarven Miner 3 Grim Lavamancer 4 Mogg Fanatic Instants [7]1 Pyrokinesis2 Incinerate 4 Lightning Bolt Sorceries [10]2 Stone Rain4 Firebolt 4 Pillage | Artifacts [2]2 Phyrexian FurnaceLands [26]1 Barbarian Ring4 Ghitu Encampment 4 Mishra's Factory 4 Rishadan Port 4 Wasteland 9 Mountain |
2 Anarchy
2 Earthquake 1 Meltdown 2 Overload 4 Red Elemental Blast 4 Sphere of Resistance |
60 Cards | 15 Cards | |
2 Anarchy
2 Earthquake 1 Meltdown 2 Overload 4 Red Elemental Blast 4 Sphere of Resistance |
15 Cards |
Archetype |
Player |
Position |
Stiflenought | Sebastián Padin | 2 |
Oath | Federico Giardini | 3 |
Oath | Nicolas Fama | 4 |
Stasis | Lautaro Valle | 5 |
Oath | Guido Quintana | 6 |
Stiflenought | Hernán Castillo | 7 |
Goblins | Nahuel Estevez | 8 |