Vinicius Medeiros playing Aluren | Position: 5 | |
Deck Name: Aluren | Sideboard | |
Creatures [28]1 Maggot Carrier2 Man-o'-War 2 Phyrexian Rager 3 Spike Feeder 4 Birds of Paradise 4 Cavern Harpy 4 Mesmeric Fiend 4 Raven Familiar 4 Wall of Blossoms Sorceries [6]2 Unearth4 Cabal Therapy | Enchantments [4]4 AlurenLands [22]1 Reflecting Pool2 City of Brass 2 Island 2 Swamp 3 Polluted Delta 4 Forest 4 Llanowar Wastes 4 Yavimaya Coast |
2 Tormod's Crypt
2 Hydroblast 3 Engineered Plague 1 Maggot Carrier 3 Naturalize 1 Uktabi Orangutan 1 Bone Shredder 1 Tsabo's Web 1 Man-o'-War |
60 Cards | 15 Cards | |
2 Tormod's Crypt
2 Hydroblast 3 Engineered Plague 1 Maggot Carrier 3 Naturalize 1 Uktabi Orangutan 1 Bone Shredder 1 Tsabo's Web 1 Man-o'-War |
15 Cards |
Archetype |
Player |
Position |
Landstill | Jadi Leme | 1 |
Mono Blue | Leandro Meili | 2 |
Goblins | Jorge Polar | 3 |
Life | Leonardo Maeda | 4 |
Zoo | Artur Telles | 6 |
Landstill | Emerson Araújo | 7 |
Survival | Giovanni Marcilio | 8 |