Igor Noboru playing BW Control | Position: 2 | |
Deck Name: BW Control | Sideboard | |
Creatures [7]3 Eternal Dragon4 Exalted Angel Instants [6]2 Skeletal Scrying4 Swords to Plowshares Sorceries [18]2 Wrath of God4 Decree of Justice 4 Duress 4 Gerrard's Verdict 4 Vindicate | Artifacts [2]2 Phyrexian FurnaceLands [27]1 Kor Haven2 Dust Bowl 4 Caves of Koilos 4 Tainted Field 8 Plains 8 Swamp |
1 Cursed Totem
2 Disenchant 2 Wall of Hope 1 Aura of Silence 1 Circle of Protection: Red 1 Light of Day 1 Tormod's Crypt 1 Perish 2 Infest 2 Smother 1 Massacre |
60 Cards | 15 Cards | |
1 Cursed Totem
2 Disenchant 2 Wall of Hope 1 Aura of Silence 1 Circle of Protection: Red 1 Light of Day 1 Tormod's Crypt 1 Perish 2 Infest 2 Smother 1 Massacre |
15 Cards |
Archetype |
Player |
Position |
Oath Ponza | Marco Alvarenga | 1 |
Storm | Guilherme Oba | 3 |
Goblins | Vinicius Lanza | 4 |
Pit Rack | Felipe Alcantara | 5 |
BW Control | Rafael Gastim | 6 |
Frenetic Encounter | Ricardo Barros | 7 |
Tireless Tribe | Pedro Rodrigues | 8 |