Rubens Junior playing Pit Rack | Position: 8 | |
Deck Name: 6 Rack | Sideboard | |
Creatures [4]4 Hypnotic SpecterInstants [10]3 Skeletal Scrying3 Swords to Plowshares 4 Dark Ritual Sorceries [17]2 Wrath of God3 Vindicate 4 Blackmail 4 Duress 4 Gerrard's Verdict | Enchantments [2]2 Bottomless PitArtifacts [6]2 Paupers' Cage4 The Rack Lands [22]2 Gemstone Mine2 Mishra's Factory 4 Caves of Koilos 4 Tainted Field 10 Swamp |
3 Phyrexian Furnace
2 Circle of Protection: Red 3 Disenchant 2 Smother 3 Perish 2 Nevinyrral's Disk |
61 Cards | 15 Cards | |
3 Phyrexian Furnace
2 Circle of Protection: Red 3 Disenchant 2 Smother 3 Perish 2 Nevinyrral's Disk |
15 Cards |
Archetype |
Player |
Position |
Landstill | Emerson Araújo | 1 |
Madness | André Sadao | 2 |
Threshold | Rafael Churai | 3 |
MUD | Wellington Espinetti | 4 |
Suicide | Caio Bandeira | 5 |
Rogue | Vinicius Medeiros | 6 |
Madness | Vinicius Mazzoco | 7 |