2 Lin Sivvi, Defiant Hero 1 Rebel Informer 2 Mageta the Lion 2 Defiant Falcon 1 Cho-Manno, Revolutionary 2 Defiant Vanguard 2 Whipcorder 3 Ramosian Sergeant 1 Cho-Arrim Bruiser 1 Disenchant 2 Fact or Fiction 2 Absorb 4 Counterspell 4 Mana Leak 4 Opt 2 Wrath of God 2 Catastrophe 3 Propaganda 3 Parallax Wave 1 Millstone 2 Coastal Tower 6 Plains 10 Island 2 Chimeric Idol 3 Lawbringer 3 Lightbringer 3 Nightwind Glider 1 Shield Dancer 2 Disenchant 1 Sheltering Prayers