4 Phyrexian Negator 4 Carnophage 4 Dauthi Slayer 4 Skittering Skirge 1 Skeletal Scrying 4 Dark Ritual 2 Unmask 4 Cabal Therapy 3 Phyrexian Arena 4 Vindicate 4 Sarcomancy 2 Cursed Scroll 2 Plains 1 City of Brass 3 Tainted Field 4 Caves of Koilos 10 Swamp 3 Engineered Plague 2 Withered Wretch 2 Zombie Infestation 2 Seal of Cleansing 1 Circle of Protection: Red 1 Duress 1 Enlightened Tutor 1 Absolute Law 2 Snuff Out